This is indeed thecase.仔细一想的确是这么回事。For people bornafter the new millennial, internet is no rare thing, like something that hasexisted all along.对于00后和10后来讲,互联网好像是天生就存在的东西,一点也不稀奇。For most post-80s,the birth and popularity of the Internet is an epoch-making historic event.但对于大部分80后来讲,互联网的诞生和普及却是一个划时代的历史事件。By contrast, theirparents and grandparents might still refuse to use smart phones.而对于很多爸爸妈妈、爷爷奶奶来讲,甚至到现在都不愿意用智能手机。This seems to haverevealed a brutal fact: as we age, our ability to accept new things has beendeclining.这似乎揭露了一个残酷的事实:随着我们的年龄增长,我们接受新事物的能力一直在下降。This also seems toexplain why there are so many natural contradictions between parents andchildren, and between teachers and students.这似乎也就解释了,为什么父母和孩子之间、老师和学生之间存在着那么多天然的矛盾。They see thingsfrom different angles.双方看世界的视角往往是不一样的。Their ability toaccept new things varies.双方接受新事物的能力也往往是不一样的。Elder people tendto subconsciously suspect and reject new things since they have accumulatedenough knowledge.对于年长的人,当他们的知识积累多了,往往就会下意识怀疑、排斥新事物。This isunderstandable. After all, in the subconsciousness we all seek stability. 这也可以理解,毕竟我们所有人都在潜意识中追求稳定。This includesstability in our everyday life and stability in our minds.这包括生活上的稳定,也包括心理上的稳定。When we encountersomething that challenges what we have known, we will subconsciously regard itas a threat.当我们遭遇到挑战我们既有知识的东西时,我们会下意识地把它当成威胁。In the past, mostpeople would reach this stable state after the age of 35.在以前,大部分人都会到35岁以后才达到这样的稳态。Then they arereluctant to accept and try new things.在那之后,他们变得不再接受新事物、不再尝试新东西。They stay in thecomfort zone they are familiar with and only believe in their own experience.他们呆在自己熟悉的那个舒适区里,只相信自己已经有的经验。They refuse toacknowledge any change.他们拒绝承认任何变化。They are somegreasy middle-aged people you will meet at the dinner table.这就是你在饭桌上会遇到的那些油腻中年人。What's scary isthat with the explosion of information, our speed of acquiring new knowledge isincreasing rapidly.而可怕的是,现在随着信息的爆发,我们获取新知识的速度正在飞快增长。The result is thatthe speed of reaching the stable state is also increasing.其结果就是,很多人达到这种稳态的速度也加快了。Eventually, wehave more and more preconceptions.于是,我们的成见变得越来越多。Our values, therelationship between men and women, ideology, and the attitude toward work allquickly cease to evolve.我们的价值观、男女关系、意识形态、对待工作的态度都很快停止了进化。Moreover, we aredeprived of the ability to know the truth.而我们了解真相的能力也被剥夺了。Is your knowledgeretarding your progress?你的知识正在阻碍你的进步吗?When you thinkabout a problem next time, try to look from the following three aspects:在你下次思考一个问题时,试着从下面这3个方面想一想吧:When I think aboutthis problem, what conditions have I accepted by default?当我思考这个问题的时候,我默认接受了哪些条件?Why do I believethese conditions must be correct?我为什么相信这些条件就一定是对的?What conclusionswould we make if we ignored these conditions?如果忽略这些条件,我能得到怎样的新结论?These questionsseem difficult and very confusing.是的,这些问题看起来很难,而且很让人摸不着头脑。However, aren’tthey exactly the meaningful questions?但这不就是真正有意义的问题吗?There is never amap or stable state on the road to progress, and this is why most people getlost.进步的道路,从来都没有地图,从来就是不稳定的,而这也就是为什么绝大多数人都会迷路。大连华工创新科技股份有限公司拥有全球领先技术、十年品质保证、贴心的售前售后服务,优秀的研发团队,保证客户不同的需求。有意者请登录www.hgcx.cn或致电0411-39525022密封点胶机,胶条发泡机,聚氨酯涂胶机,机柜密封打胶机,双组份淋胶机,板材刷胶机,断桥铝门窗注胶机涂胶机密封点胶机 机柜密封 机器人涂胶机 胶条发泡机 断桥铝注胶机 穿条发泡 板材刷胶机 汽车涂胶机 全自动点胶机 PU发泡机 密封胶条设备 自动密封 设备视频 自动连续密封条点胶机--同时解决密封胶条粘不住的问题 Website: HGIT Dispensing system dispensing machine for Cabinets CNC PU Seal Pouring Machine Foam sealing gasket machine Injection (Potting) Machine barrier-strip foam technique Customized production solutions Foam sealing machine (FIPFG) Warm Edge Spacer Forming Machine PU foam dispensing machine Glue Dispensing Robot strip feeding PU foam Foam in Place Gasket machine 1K PU foam dispensing machine
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