Learning to setinvestment goals is one of the most importantthings you can do as a newinvestor because it helps you keep track of where you have been, where you are,and where you are going as it pertains to your personal finances and yourjourney to financial independence.作为一名投资新手,学会设定投资目标是你能做的最重要的事情之一,因为这有助于你追踪去过哪里、现在在哪里以及将来会去哪里,这关系到你的个人财务状况和你通往财务自由之旅。 Here are the first5 questions you need to ask yourself when setting investment goals forfinancial independence.以下是在设定财务独立性的投资目标时你首先需要问自己的5个问题:1.What is “yournumber”? “你的数字”是多少?In order to reachfinancial independence from your portfolio, how much monthly passive incomewould it require if you were to withdraw no more than 3 percent to 4 percent ofthe principal value each year? 为了从你的投资组合中实现财务独立,如果你每年提取不超过本金价值的3 %到4 %,每月需要多少被动收入?2. What is your risktolerance?你的风险承受能力如何?No matter howsuccessful you are or how much money you amass, some people are wired in a waythat fluctuations in their portfolio’s market value leads to enormous levels ofemotional misery. 无论多么成功或积攒了多少钱,有些人总会因为他们投资组合市场价值的波动而导致巨大的情绪痛苦。3.How do your moraland ethical values influence your portfolio management strategy? 你的道德和伦理价值观如何影响你的投资组合管理战略?If you spendthrough your capital, it means you’ll be able to enjoy a higher withdrawal ratethan you could support otherwise. 如果你把你所有的资金都用在理财上,这意味着你可以享受比你能所需的更高的提现率。4. Will you limityour investments to your home country or expand globally? 你会把投资限制在国内,还是在扩大至全球?and potentialexposure to market performance that may turn out to be better on arisk-adjusted basis than that which would have been available from a domesticportfolio alone.虽然这可能会引起永久性资本损失的额外风险,以及货币、政治等其他方面的风险,但它也提供了更大的多样化以及潜在的市场表现,如此一来,在风险调整基础上可能就比单独投资于国内要好。5.What is motivatingyou to achieve financial independence? 是什么促使你实现财务独立?While some peopleare natural savers—they tend to accumulate without really needing a reason todo so as they live below their means and don’t really know Often, by getting tothe heart of that question, you can better design your portfolio to achievewhatever it is you are really pursuing.通常,通过深入了解问题的核心,你就可以更好地设计你的投资组合,以实现你真正追求的目标。大连华工创新科技股份有限公司拥有全球领先技术、十年品质保证、贴心的售前售后服务,优秀的研发团队,保证客户不同的需求。有意者请登录www.hgcx.cn或致电0411-39525022密封点胶机,胶条发泡机,聚氨酯涂胶机,机柜密封打胶机,双组份淋胶机,板材刷胶机,断桥铝门窗注胶机 涂胶机 机柜点胶机 密封点胶机 机柜密封 机器人涂胶机 胶条发泡机 断桥铝注胶机 穿条发泡 板材刷胶机 汽车涂胶机 全自动点胶机 PU发泡机 密封胶条设备 自动密封 设备视频机器人自动连续密封条点胶机
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投资有风险,入市须谨慎。 {:1110_553:} 楼主辛苦;
感谢分享 股票有风险,投资需谨慎 谢谢楼主分享~