quora:How do I become a morningperson?怎么把早晨变成自己的巅峰时刻 获得8.9k 好评的回答@Dean Yeong: Quick two points here to make the process easier:做到这两点可以使过程更容易: 1. Never feel bad if you fall off your morning routine, get back to your schedule and do it the next day.1。如果你未能成功地早起工作,千万不要太难过。按照你的时间表,第二天就把事情做完。 2. Get into a group of people who want to achieve the same time. It’s easy to do it with a group compared to doing it alone.2。加入一组志同道合的人。相比一个人而言,一队人共同达成目标会容易些。 获得7.8k好评的回答@ Nela Canovic: Here are some habits you can focus on that can help you become a better morning person:这里有一些值得你关注的习惯,这些习惯可以帮助你成为一个更好的早起之人: Keep a gratitude journal. For five minutes each morning, write 3 things you are grateful for today.Practicing gratitude about what we have going for us can restructure our brain to focus on positive things.保持一颗感恩的心。每天早上花五分钟写下你今天所要做的3件感激之事的。对我们所要做的事情心存感恩可以重塑我们的大脑,让大脑专注于积极的事情。 Always have breakfast. If you're pressed for time, pick something s。A breakfast gives you energy and it's fuel for your brain. A great example is a combination of protein, fruits, and healthy fats (such as nuts).总是吃早餐。即使你时间紧迫,也要挑选一些东西来吃。早餐可以给你能量,也是是你大脑的能量之源。一份优质早餐的例子就是蛋白质,水果和健康脂肪(如坚果)的组合。 Try meditating. I found that meditating early in the day, even for 10 minutes, helps to "clean" my brain of any cluttered thoughts. It's not as difficult as it sounds. With an app called Headspace you can try a guided 10 minute meditation.尝试冥想。我发现在早晨沉思哪怕只有10分钟,都有助于“清理”大脑中任何混乱的想法。 这并没有听上去那么难。Headspace这个软件可以引导你冥想10分钟 Get moving. To really wake your entire body up, pick any type of physical activity. It can be a session at the gym, or it can be something shorter and even more simple: a morning yoga routine.动起来。要真正唤醒你的整个身体,可以选择任何类型的体力活动。可以是在健身房锻炼,或者可以选择更短,更简单的运动,比如早晨瑜伽。 大连华工创新科技股份有限公司拥有全球领先技术、十年品质保证、贴心的售前售后服务,优秀的研发团队,保证客户不同的需求。有意者请登录www.hgcx.cn或致电0411-39525022密封点胶机,胶条发泡机,聚氨酯涂胶机,机柜密封打胶机,双组份淋胶机,板材刷胶机,断桥铝门窗注胶机 涂胶机 机柜点胶机 密封点胶机 机柜密封 机器人涂胶机 胶条发泡机 断桥铝注胶机 穿条发泡 板材刷胶机 汽车涂胶机 全自动点胶机 PU发泡机 密封胶条设备 自动密封 设备视频 Website: HGIT Dispensing system dispensing machine for Cabinets CNC PU Seal Pouring Machine Foam sealing gasket machine Injection (Potting) Machine barrier-strip foam technique Customized production solutions Foam sealing machine (FIPFG) Warm Edge Spacer Forming Machine PU foam dispensing machine Glue Dispensing Robot strip feeding PU foam Foam in Place Gasket machine 1K PU foam dispensing machine这个帖子不回对不起自己! 谢谢你的分享 {:1110_554:} {:1110_553:}{:1110_550:} 最近还没杨康,不敢鸡自己 谢谢分享{:1110_550:}