What are some habitsthat are good to get into? 有什么好习惯值得养成? ●Don’t use your phone before going to bed or after waking up ●睡前或刚睡醒不要玩手机 ●Drink water as soon as you wake up ●一起床就喝水 ●Start on the hardest assignment first thing in the morning (This technique is called ‘Eat the frog’) ●早上的工作从最难的开始(这招叫“吃掉那只青蛙”——指最先做最不愿意做的事) ●Read a couple of pages right before bed ●睡前读几页书 ●Learn something new every day that interests you ●每天学点感兴趣的新东西 ●When talking to someone actively listen. ●和别人说话时认真听 ●Make small talk with random people ●随便找个人闲聊一会儿 ●Get excited when seeing your friends because then they will start doing the same ●看见朋友要很开心,因为那样的话朋友也会一样兴奋 获得91.5k好评的回答@Rahul Shrivastava: Not an exhaustive list: 需要养成的好习惯不多: ●Learn to breathe properly. For most part of the day, our breathing is shallow. Breathe from the diaphragm for at least a couple of times in a day. This releases tension. ●学会正确呼吸,一天中大多数时候我们的呼吸都很浅,一天至少要从横膈膜(胸腔和腹腔的分隔)呼吸几次,这样能释放压力。 ●Tell yourself not to panic when confronted with a problem. Try to think of a solution. ●遇到困难时告诉自己不要慌,努力寻找解决方法。 ●No matter how much you earn, try to save a portion of the earning before you start spending. ●无论赚多少钱,花之前都要先攒下一部分。 ●Don’t do any work superficially. It becomes a habit. ●任何工作都不要做表面文章,会形成习惯。 ●Don’t hurry when there is no need to but don’t be lethargic when there is a need to carry out a task expeditiously. ●没必要着急时就别着急,但需要快速完成的工作也不要拖沓。 ●Keep your word both to others and to yourself. ●对人对己都要信守承诺。 ●Eat only when you are hungry. ●饿了才能吃。