huagongkeji 发表于 1970-1-1 08:00:00


This Is Your Life这就是你的生活You have this Life.这是你所拥有的人生。You were born for this Life.生来就有。You want some people to be in your Life, but they don't.你希望一些人能陪伴你,但他们没有。You don't want some people to be with you, but they do.你不想要一些人走进你的生活,但他们却来了。You are endeavouring to come out of certain conditions of your life.你竭尽全力想要摆脱某些生活状况。But you are forced to live with them.但又不得不继续在这种状况下生活下去。You don't want to go outside in the Rain, but sometimes you have to.你不想在下雨时出门,但有时你却别无选择。You are yearning for something to happen, but it always eludes you.你渴望一些事情的发生,可偏偏不如你所愿。You never anticipate some incidents to happen in your life, but they do occur when you are oblivious of those happenings.你从没有预料到一些事会在你的生活中发生,可偏偏在你毫无防备的时候发生了。Sometimes you get things what you don't aspire for, but you don't get certain things what you are really looking for.有时你会得到,你并不渴求的东西,但却得不到心心念念想要得到的东西。You don't like some places to visit, but sometimes you have to stay there for a while.你不喜欢去一些地方,但有时你不得不在那里待上一段时间。This is your Life, say welcome with the open mind.这就是你的生活,用开放的心态去接纳它吧。You have to avoid all the preoccupations.你必须打消所有的成见。The Life is like a 'Flowing River' it takes all the bends and curves that you don't know.生活就好比一条流动的河,一路上有你无法预见到的曲折。But it never stops its flow because 'flowing' is its original nature.但河水从未停止流淌,因为“流动”就是它的本性。You also flow with the Life you have, which takes the unexpected turns.你同样在生活这条奔流不息的河里游走着,伴随着许许多多不期而遇的转折点。This is your Life, simply accept it.这就是你的生活,接受它就好。 大连华工创新科技股份有限公司拥有全球领先技术、十年品质保证、贴心的售前售后服务,优秀的研发团队,保证客户不同的需求。有意者请登录https://www.hgcx.cn或致电0411-39525022 胶条发泡机 密封点胶机 聚氨酯涂胶机 双组份淋胶机 断桥铝门窗注胶机 机柜密封 机柜涂胶机,配电柜点胶机,电气柜发泡机 过滤器密封点胶机,滤清器发泡机,过滤网涂胶机 热熔丁基胶涂胶机 电池点胶机 穿条发泡机 双色型材注胶机 不锈钢暖边条成型机 汽车门内板涂胶设备 自动涂胶生产线 铝型材填充发泡机 HGIT大连华工密封涂胶解决方案 涂胶机 胶条发泡机 密封点胶机 聚氨酯涂胶机 板材粘接复合刷胶机 断桥铝门窗注胶机 机柜密封 机柜涂胶机,配电柜点胶机,电气柜发泡机 过滤器密封点胶机 热熔丁基胶涂胶机 电池点胶设备 密封发泡点胶机 穿条发泡机 双色型材注胶机 不锈钢暖边条成型机 汽车门内板涂胶设备 自动涂胶生产线 单组分聚氨酯PU发泡 汽车落水槽涂胶机 机器人自动涂胶机 密封胶条设备 点胶灌封 客户案例应用 型材门窗案例应用 点胶视频
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qyf 发表于 1970-1-1 08:00:00


myemailaspen84 发表于 1970-1-1 08:00:00


Demon丶 发表于 1970-1-1 08:00:00

谢谢 楼主的分享

cherryc717 发表于 1970-1-1 08:00:00

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