本帖最后由 22222 于 2023-12-5 09:16 编辑资本世界,控制金融,控制资本流通,控制医疗网站link :AIACwww.aiac.com中国信达 首页-中国信达资产管理股份有限公司 (cinda.com.cn)Established in 1996, our portfolio consists of 78 manufacturing and distribution sites in 24 countries in North America, Europe, and Asia. We own over 6.5 million square feet of industrial real estate and hold the exclusive, perpetual license to responsibly manage 22 million acres of prime Canadian timberland, a land mass equivalent to the size of the nation of Austria.AIAC has purchased and operated manufacturing units of Ahlstrom, Allegion, Astellas, Boeing, Carlyle Group, Constellium, GlaxoSmithKline, Jabil Circuit, Johnson Controls, Kodak, Lockheed Martin, Merck, Moog, Northrop Grumman, Novelis, Pfizer, Raytheon Technologies, Rexel Group, The Riverside Company, Sandvik, Siemens, SSC, Suez Group, Tolko, Visteon and other large multinational corporations. In addition to purchasing units of large multinational public companies, AIAC purchases the equity and debt of privately held companies.
本帖最后由 22222 于 2023-11-20 11:40 编辑
测试回帖奖励 20两马蹄金。{:1110_555:} {:1110_549:} {:1110_553:} {:1110_550:} {:1110_557:} {:1110_550:}
既然你诚信诚意的推荐了,那我就勉为其难的看看吧!马后炮化工不走平凡路。 {:1110_553:} 楼主太厉害了!楼主,I*老*虎*U!我觉得马后炮化工真是个好地方!
其实我一直觉得楼主的品味不错!呵呵!马后炮化工太棒了! 这个公司之前还真没怎么听说过 {:1110_549:} {:1110_554:} 楼主太厉害了!楼主,I*老*虎*U!我觉得马后炮化工真是个好地方! {:1110_550:} 楼主太厉害了!楼主,I*老*虎*U!我觉得马后炮化工真是个好地方! 不知道啥意思,貌似挺有钱的 {:1110_553:} {:1110_550:}