FlashFXP 4.1.8 Build 1700 Final
FlashFXP是一款功能强大的FXP/FTP软件,集成了其它优秀的FTP软件的优点,如CuteFTP的目录比较,支持彩色文字显示;如BpFTP 支持多目录选择文件,暂存目录;又如LeapFTP的界面设计。下载:FlashFXP 4.1.8 Build 1700 Final
Added: You can now search for a site by name.
Updated OpenSSL to 1.0.0f
Improved: error reporting, some protocol errors during the login were not shown.
Improved: Several minor user-improvements, and you can now export a (single or multiple) command without having to export the entire group.
Changed: Clicking a folder in the server folder select dialog will now request a directory listing from the server and populate the children and you can use the F5 key to force a re-fresh of the current directory.
Changed: Added auto font scaling to The "local browser" text shown on the toolbar.
Changed: You can now manually execute disabled tasks using the "Run now" command. Previously it would indicate that the task was disabled.
Fixed: Monthly tasks scheduled to run on "first, second, third, etc" day of the week weren't being set properly on vista and up, and older versions of windows only allow a single value but the control incorrectly allowed multiple choices.
Fixed: Under some conditions server replies were displayed twice in the session window/log.
Fixed: The dialog wasn't scaling the content correctly when using a non-standard screen text DPI.
Fixed: Previous builds would sometimes show blank entries, this should now be fixed.
Fixed: Back in build 1669 we introduced a change that broke compatibility with MVS FTP servers resulting in incomplete downloads. This has been resolved.
Fixed: In some rare instances the downloaded file could end up incomplete due to the way FlashFXP was handling the SSL shutdown.
Fixed: Sometimes would throw an error "Cannot focus an invisible or disabled window"
Fixed: Items in the tree weren't always color coded, either by the skiplist or the highlighting.
Fixed: The skiplist wasn't always being applied to files that were dragged from the local browser and dropped on the remote browser.
Fixed: Closing the key manager while creating a certificate would sometimes result in a crash while aborting the certificate generator thread.
楼主发贴辛苦了,谢谢楼主分享 谢谢!安装比较难,有些地方不懂{:1106_362:} 楼主下面那些英文是干嘛用的啊?
我装后只能使用30天。 谢谢分享,学习下怎么用 软件不错,可惜有时间限制 继续的好东西。。。 好东西啊感谢LZ啊