Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 Step by Step
Experience learning made easy—and quickly teach yourself how to create compelling presentations with PowerPoint 2013. With Step by Step, you set the pace—building and practicing the skills you need, just when you them! Includes downloadable practice files and a companion eBook.
Work with PowerPoint on your PC or touch-enabled device
Design, organize, and polish your slides
Create professional-looking charts and graphics
Engage your audience with animation, audio, and video
Customize themes and templates
Prepare for your presentation
看了LZ的帖子,我只想说一句很好很强大!522老师又来赚金子了{:1106_363:} 全是英文的耶!我还是等中文版吧。 膜拜神贴,后面的请保持队形~ 不错的东东,非常实用. 谢谢分享~~~~~~~~~~~~~