广州研创生物技术发展有限公司成立于2006年4月,是由来自美国、新加坡的留学人员投资创办的高科技企业,现落户在广州经济技术开发区科学城国际企业孵化器,拥有一支由教授、博士所组成的研发队伍。广州研创生物技术发展有限公司是中国手性色谱柱第一品牌和国内运营领跑者,集产品的研发、生产、销售、服务于一体。在国家科技部中小企业创新基金、留学人员创新基金等项目资助下,自主开发了系列手性分离材料与HPLC手性柱产品,已申请相关中国发明专利。结合优秀科技与管理人才组成的高素质队伍在手性色谱柱领域多年的技术沉淀以及对行业市场的精准把握,2013年广州研创生物技术发展有限公司的行销网将透过公司总部及全国代理商成员大举开拓中国300亿元人民币的手性分离市场! R&CBiotechnology ProfileGuangzhouResearch and Creativity Biotechnology Co., Ltd, as a high-tech enterprise, wasestablished by a high-qualified research team including many doctors andprofessors from USA and Singaporein April 2006. It locates in Science Town International Business Incubator,Guangzhou Economic and Technological DevelopmentZone, P.R. China.GuangzhouResearch and Creativity Biotechnology Co., Ltd is the first Chinese brand ofchiral chromatographic columns, and combines chiral column product R&D,production, sales, and technical service in one. With the financial supportsfrom Innovation funds for technology based Firms (Ministry of Science andTechnology, P.R. China), Outstanding Overseas Returnees (Guangzhou), and so on,we have developed a series of novel chiral separation materials and HPLC chiralcolumns by ourselves. Recently, two kinds of inventions about synthesis andHPLC applications of novel chiral chromatographic packings have been grantedChinese patents. With the dependence of professional R&D technicians,excellent production teams, management group, outstanding marketing staffs andmany nationwide agencies, we are trying to actively exploit chiralenantioseparation market in China from 2013, which is estimated that it will beover RMB 30 billion annually.扫一扫关注@研创手性科技官方微信平台如何关注:1、扫描二维码2、搜索微信号:CHIRAL-SE3、查找公众号:研创手性科技