美国8月份原油产量创25年来新高2013-09-22 来源: 中国石化新闻网中国石化新闻网讯 据普氏能源资讯9月19日华盛顿报道,美国石油学会(API)19日在其9月份月度统计报告中表示,美国8月份原油产量同比增加20.3%,平均日产量达到近760万桶,这是美国过去25年来的最高原油月产量。统计报告说,在北达科他州和类似地区非常规远景区产量的提振下,美国原油产量在过去的23个月里一直呈现同比增加。截至目前,美国国内原油产量同比增加15.8%。美国大陆48个州8月份的原油平均日产量是710万桶,为35年来最高。李峻 编译 原文如下:US crude production in August hits 25-year high for month: APIWashington (Platts)--19Sep2013US crude oil production rose 20.3% year on year in August to an average ofnearly 7.6 million b/d -- the highest output for the month in 25 years, theAmerican Petroleum Institute said Thursday.Year-on-year production increases have been seen for the past 23 months,boosted by unconventional plays in North Dakota and similar areas, the API saidin its September Monthly Statistical Report.Year to date, domestic crude production is up 15.8% compared with the sameperiod last year.August production of crude in the Lower48 states was at its highest in 35 years, averaging 7.1 million b/d, the APIsaid.这是什么原因呢?