有个担忧他的禾苗长不高而把禾苗往上拔的宋国人,一天下来十分疲劳但很满足,回到家对他的家人说:“可把我累坏了,我帮助禾苗长高了!”他儿子听说后急忙到地里去看苗的情况,然而苗都枯萎了。There was a Song man who was worried about his seedlings not growing tall and pulled them up. After a day, he was very tired but satisfied. When he returned home, he said to his family, "I'm exhausted. I helped the seedlings grow taller!" His son heard about it and quickly went to the field to see the condition of the seedlings, but they all withered.天下不希望自己禾苗长得快一些的人很少啊!以为禾苗长大没有用处而放弃的人,就像是不给禾苗锄草的懒汉。妄自帮助它生长的人,就像这个拔苗助长的人,不但没有好处,反而害了它。There are very few people in the world who don't want their seedlings to grow faster! The person who gives up thinking that the seedlings are useless when they grow up is like a lazy man who doesn't weed the seedlings. The person who helps it grow recklessly, just like this person who promotes it by pulling out seedlings, not only has no benefits, but also harms it. 大连华工创新科技股份有限公司拥有全球领先技术、十年品质保证、贴心的售前售后服务,优秀的研发团队,保证客户不同的需求。有意者请登录https://www.hgcx.cn或致电0411-39525022 胶条发泡机 密封点胶机 聚氨酯涂胶机 双组份淋胶机 断桥铝门窗注胶机 机柜密封 机柜涂胶机,配电柜点胶机,电气柜发泡机 过滤器密封点胶机,滤清器发泡机,过滤网涂胶机 热熔丁基胶涂胶机 电池点胶机 穿条发泡机 双色型材注胶机 不锈钢暖边条成型机 汽车门内板涂胶设备 自动涂胶生产线 铝型材填充发泡机 HGIT大连华工密封涂胶解决方案www.hgcx.cn 涂胶机 胶条发泡机 密封点胶机 聚氨酯涂胶机 板材粘接复合刷胶机 断桥铝门窗注胶机 机柜密封 机柜涂胶机,配电柜点胶机,电气柜发泡机 过滤器密封点胶机 热熔丁基胶涂胶机 电池点胶设备 密封发泡点胶机 穿条发泡机 双色型材注胶机 不锈钢暖边条成型机 汽车门内板涂胶设备 自动涂胶生产线 单组分聚氨酯PU发泡 汽车落水槽涂胶机 机器人自动涂胶机 密封胶条设备 点胶灌封 客户案例应用 型材门窗案例应用 点胶视频
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{:1110_549:} 感谢楼主分享
论坛不能没有像楼主这样的人才啊!我会一直支持马后炮化工。 {:1110_553:} {:1110_552:} {:1110_549:} {:1110_549:} 楼主太厉害了!楼主,I*老*虎*U!我觉得马后炮化工真是个好地方! {:1110_555:} {:1110_550:}{:1110_550:}
其实我一直觉得楼主的品味不错!呵呵!马后炮化工太棒了! 教育不是为了培养复制高材生,而是挖掘每个孩子身上的天赋。 {:1110_549:} {:1110_549:} 楼主太厉害了!楼主,I*老*虎*U!我觉得马后炮化工真是个好地方!
其实我一直觉得楼主的品味不错!呵呵!马后炮化工太棒了! 楼主太厉害了!楼主,I*老*虎*U!我觉得马后炮化工真是个好地方!