有个担忧他的禾苗长不高而把禾苗往上拔的宋国人,一天下来十分疲劳但很满足,回到家对他的家人说:“可把我累坏了,我帮助禾苗长高了!”他儿子听说后急忙到地里去看苗的情况,然而苗都枯萎了。 There was a Song man who was worried about his seedlings not growing tall and pulled them up. After a day, he was very tired but satisfied. When he returned home, he said to his family, "I'm exhausted. I helped the seedlings grow taller!" His son heard about it and quickly went to the field to see the condition of the seedlings, but they all withered. 天下不希望自己禾苗长得快一些的人很少啊!以为禾苗长大没有用处而放弃的人,就像是不给禾苗锄草的懒汉。妄自帮助它生长的人,就像这个拔苗助长的人,不但没有好处,反而害了它。 There are very few people in the world who don't want their seedlings to grow faster! The person who gives up thinking that the seedlings are useless when they grow up is like a lazy man who doesn't weed the seedlings. The person who helps it grow recklessly, just like this person who promotes it by pulling out seedlings, not only has no benefits, but also harms it.