1. Productand Process Design Principles: Synthesis, Analysis, and Evaluation----pdf教材
By Warren D. Seider, J. D. Seader, Daniel R. Lewin
Publisher: Wiley
Number Of Pages: 820
Publication Date: 2003-07-24
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0471216631
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780471216636
Product Description:
One of the most important objective in thistext describes the strategies and approaches for the design of chemicalprocesses. It covers economic (optimization) and environmental issues. Thelatest design strategies are described, most of which have been improvedsignificantly with the advent of computers, mathematical programming methods,and artificial intelligence. Various methods are utilized to perform theextensive calculations and provide graphical results that are visualizedeasily, including the usage of computer programs for simulation and designoptimization.
2. 配套光盘Simulation of Process Flowsheets: Version 2.0 for IBM Compatibles(ASPEN PLUS,HYSYS, CHEMCAD, and PRO/II)
This great CD-ROM contains multi-mediainstructional materials prepared using the DIRECTOR software package by theMacroMedia Corporation.
It has been prepared to accompany portionsof the textbook, "Process DesignPrinciples: Synthesis, Analysis, and Evaluation" by Warren D. Seider,J.D. Seader, and Daniel R. Lewin (book present in EbooksClub). Currently, it provides coverage of ASPEN PLUS, Version 10, HYSYS, Version 1.2.4(mostly), CHEMCAD, Version 4, and PRO/II with PROVISION.
It places emphasis on the materials in Chapter 3,
"Simulation to Assist in Process Creation," Chapter 14, "DynamicSimulation of Process Flowsheets," and Appendices I-IV which accompanythese chapters. The materials are presented in separate sections for ASPENPLUS, HYSYS, CHEMCAD, and PRO/II.
The CD-ROM expands upon the contents of the text and appendices with voice,video, and animation.Voice is used to provide tutorials that assist thestudents in entering the process flowsheet and specifications into ASPEN PLUS,HYSYS, CHEMCAD, and PRO/II. In the ASPEN PLUS section, animated and video-tapedsequences describe the operation of the unit processes beingmodeled by the processsimulators. Currently, videos show lab and commercial distillation towers,shell-and-tube and fin-fan heat exchangers, a two-stage compressor, a pump, aflash vessel, and the internals of an agitated CSTR with cooling coils. The HYSYSsection provides coverage of steady-state simulation, flowsheet optimization,and dynamic simulation. The CHEMCAD and PRO/II sections currently provideintroductory coverage of these simulators for steady-state simulations.
The CD-ROM contains over 500 Mb of information. A single pass through all ofthe instructional material takes between 60 and 70 hours.Plans are to upgradethe CD-ROM annually.
For ASPEN PLUS, the CD-ROM contains 12 major sections,
which augment Chapter 3 and Appendix I, with tutorials provided in fourareas.The tutorials show how to complete the input forms,describe the processequipment with videos, introduce the unit operation subroutines, and show howto use the physical property information system.The tutorials can be accessedfrom separate menus or as options from the frames of the 12 sections.For newusers, the Sample Problem provides an introduction to the capabilities of ASPENPLUS, and the input tutorial on "Phase Equilibria and Flash Vessels"shows how to prepare a simulation of a flash vessel and examine the results.Finally, a list of approximately 30 ASPEN PLUS backup files, associated withthe examples, figures, and exercises in the textbook, can be found by clickingon ASPEN PLUS under Files on the Initial menu. Each of these files is stored inthe directory ASPENFILES on the CD-ROM.
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