昨天刚安装好的AspenONE 8.8,在今天使用时就出现如下信息:
-------------- SLM Common Error Dialog---------------
Application: PIMSWIN.exe
--------------- Information Flags---------------
Error while checking out license PIMS Error while checking out license PIMS
--------------- Sequence of Events---------------
Server: Local license server (NO-NET) Bucket: default Type: Unified License Code: 18 Description: The license for this productor feature could not be found. Be sureyou are pointing to the correct license file or the license server isconfigured properly
Server: Local license server (NO-NET) Bucket: default Type: Token License Code: 18 Description: The license for this productor feature could not be found. Be sureyou are pointing to the correct license file or the license server isconfigured properly
Server: Local license server (NO-NET) Bucket: default Type: Standard License Code: 18 Description: The license for this productor feature could not be found. Be sureyou are pointing to the correct license file or the license server isconfigured properly
Server: WIN-TGAT2FA23P3 Bucket: default Type: Standard License Code: 18 Description: The license for this productor feature could not be found. Be sureyou are pointing to the correct license file or the license server isconfigured properly 恳求各位同仁和高手帮忙,另外:我的LSERVRC放在C:\Program Files\Common Files\SafeNet Sentinel\license文件夹中。