本帖最后由 wx_G8V88383 于 2017-8-10 19:10 编辑
This solution provides a recommended workaround by changing the electrolyte simulation approach to apparent component under the Electrolyte Wizard (Properties Environment):
Having set this modification, go to the Simulation environment and restart/re-run the simulation. The error message will be gone and the simulation converges without issues.
设置此修改后,转到Simulation环境并重新启动/重新运行模拟。 错误信息将会消失,模拟收敛没有问题。
file:///C:\Users\75642\Documents\Tencent Files\756424002\Image\Group\J860L7Z~`I_M(P64A$EKN`R.jpg
file:///C:\Users\75642\Documents\Tencent Files\756424002\Image\Group\J860L7Z~`I_M(P64A$EKN`R.jpg