成长值: 47665
Welcome! Follow the below instruction:
0- Install 3rd Party Redistributables & Sentinel LM v8.5.1 Server
1- Right click on My Computer
2- Properties
3- Advanced System Setting
4- Avanced
5- Environment Variables...
6- Click on New... just below the "System Variable" box
7- Write LSHOST in the "variable name" and your computer name in the "variable value"
8- Go to downloaded aspenone 9 folder and find WlmAdmin.exe in it
9- Run WlmAdmin.exe
10- click on "Subnet Servers" from the left pannel. To expand it press +
11- find your computer name and right click on it
12- Add Feature
13- From File
14- to Server
15- point to the license file (LSERVRC.txt)
16- 737 license (approx. 85% of v8.8) will be added (it takes several minutes)
17- Install aspenONE v9
18- choose your desired products and location
19- when installation asks about license, do not point to the license file even standalone or server. just click Next
20- finish
If "all licenses are currently in use" appears when opening aspen programs,repeat step 8-16. |