成长值: 47710
书上介绍的物性方法选择一般应用于中低温,高温或高压下都应该选状态方程模型。1035K远高于丙酮的临界温度(235摄氏度),可以用理想气体状态方程。SYSOP0 is a unique property method in the Aspen Physical Property System. The Aspen Physical Property System always loads SYSOP0 as part of the run to provide default property calculation methods, in case a calculation method was not defined for a property in a property method. You should not modify SYSOP0 using the Methods Selected Methods forms, because it is used to initialize many unit operation models such as FLASH2.
The SYSOP0 property method assumes ideal behavior for both the vapor and the liquid phases (Raoult's law). It does not include:
Poynting correction
Heat of mixing
SYSOP0 includes methods and models for calculating properties for conventional solid components |