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What's New in Aspen Plus V14?

 楼主| 发表于 1970-1-1 08:00:00 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
What's New in Aspen Plus V14
See Also

Compatibility Notes for Aspen Plus V14

Aspen Plus V14 includes new features in the following areas:

AI Training
Plant Data
Aspen AI Model Builder
Activated Economics Integration with Aspen OptiPlant 3D Layout

Electrical Operations
Polymer Reactions
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Safety Analysis
Workflow and Usability Improvements
AI Training

These new features are available in AI Training objects:

When importing data from Excel, the Import Wizard now provides options for data not strictly in the template format, provided that the data has timestamps as row labels.
On the Analyze Data form, you can now view Trendlines on scatter plots.

On the Analyze Data form, you can now view Distribution Plots (box plots) for further data analysis.

On the Build Model form:

You can now choose which independent variables you want to use as inputs to the neural network. You can also choose which independent and dependent variables you want to use as inputs to the hybrid model. Note that independent variables used as inputs to the neural network are automatically used as inputs to the hybrid model.

You can now choose to include or exclude trained variables in the model.

The number of variables included in training, excluded variables, independent variables, dependent variables, and total variables is now reported.

You can specify the Weight for each dependent variable. This allows some variables to have more or less impact on the trained model.

The Variable importance calculation checkbox allows you to specify whether additional calculations are performed at the end of training to determine the relative importance of each variable in the neural network model.

The estimated training time and a progress bar has been added under the AI Training Progress plot.

On the Analyze Results form, you can modify the limits used in color-coding R2 values.

The scale for charts features broader ranges, and plots have grids to improve usability.

You can now save plots, after opening them in a separate window. A new Plots object manager has been added to store the saved plots, and can be accessed via the navigation tree under the AI folder.

Performance has improved for cases with a large number of data points (for example, more than 5000) even when loading cases or moving between tabs. Adding variables is also faster than in V12.1.

When entering formula tags, in the Tag Specifications View dialog box you can click Validate to check the syntax of the formula.

Plant Data

Aspen Plus V14 features the following improvements for Plant Data:

A new Linear Interpolation option is available for the If not good drop-down list on the Data Validation tab of the Tag Manager form. This option linearly interpolates the conditioned value from the last previous good point and the first subsequent good point.

When entering formula tags, in the Tag Specifications View dialog box you can click Validate to check the syntax of the formula.

FlexCel is now supported. By default, Excel files will now be imported via FlexCel. Accordingly, a new Options button has been added to the Plant Data | Advanced ribbon that allows you to switch between using Microsoft Excel and FlexCel.

On the Selected Variables | General sheet, you can see the specification type of each variable in the model displayed. Warnings are shown if a source tag is mapped to a variable which is output-only in the model.

You can now use Aspen Connect instead of Aspen CIM-IO & Process Data:

Aspen Cloud Connect V14 is required. It may be installed on any server which your computer can connect to and which can reach the historian.

If you use Aspen Connect instead of Aspen CIM-IO & Process Data, you do not need to install Process Data and ADSA.

To connect with Aspen IP.21, Aspen Connect uses IP.21's gRPC Server. If you are using Aspen IP.21 V14, no special steps are needed. If you are using an older version of Aspen IP.21, see requirements in the Aspen Engineering V14 Installation Guide.

For information about the supported data sources and how to configure them, see Adding End Points in the Aspen Connect help.

See Compatibility Notes for restrictions when using Aspen Connect.

Aspen AI Model Builder

A new button in the Home tab of the ribbon lets you open Aspen AI Model Builder sessions licensed with tokens from your local license manager.

Activated Economics Integration with Aspen OptiPlant 3D Layout

A new button, Send to OptiPlant 3D, has been added to the Aspen Plus Economics ribbon. This allows you to export equipment data to an Excel file, once it has been mapped, sized, and evaluated. The Excel file can then be directly imported into Aspen OptiPlant 3D Layout, a 3D conceptual design tool.


Aspen Plus now supports biocomponents, representing biological compounds which may have complex or inexact formulas. You can represent them by atom ratios.

The FERMENT databank contains a selection of biocomponents used in fermentation reactions. They are assigned the new compound class BIOCOMPONENTS, which you can use to help search for them. The BIOFEED databank contains biocomponents with data about conventional components they convert to in biomass conversion processes. You can also define your own biocomponents.

When you add a component of compound class BIOCOMPONENTS to the simulation, either using the Find Compounds window or by typing its component ID, the Type on the Components | Specifications | Selection sheet is set to Biocomponent, and data for it is filled in on the Biocomponents form. In addition, if the biocomponent is from the BIOFEED databank, the Biomass Lookup button becomes available on the sheet. Clicking this adds to the simulation conventional components that any biocomponents in the simulation convert to.

You can specify fermentation reactions involving a biocomponent.

A new property method filter BIOCONV is available. This filters the methods to ones expected to work well with the conventional components which biocomponents convert to.

A new template for a biomass conversion process is available. It preselects the BIOFEED databank.


BatchOp and RCSTR now support fermentation reactions.

BatchOp and RCSTR also support mass transfer limitations within the pot using a constant kLa value for each component. There is a new mass transfer profile with concentrations in the liquid, and a preset plot for these in the plot wizard for BatchOp.

RBatch now has the Retain some vapor during venting which BatchOp had already, available when Specify reactor pressure is selected and there is a vent stream.

Electrical Operations

There is a new Electrolyzer unit operation to model the electrolysis of water to generate hydrogen. There are also electrical power streams to specify the power input into such operations. Power streams are not supported in EO.

Polymer Reactions

The new Pyrolysis polymer reaction type models the breakdown of polymers into small hydrocarbon molecules.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

There is a new Greenhouse Gas Emissions panel on the activation dashboard.

The options for how Aspen Plus calculates greenhouse gas emissions are moved from the Calculation Options form to a new Emission Options form directly below it in the Setup folder.

Reporting for greenhouse gas emissions uses industry standard terms scope 1 (process emissions) and scope 2 (fuel emissions, used in Aspen Plus for emissions from Utility blocks). You can set a Utility block to be reported under scope 1 for situations where that is more appropriate.

You can set the CO2 adjustment factor in a Utility block to report only a fraction of the calculated CO2 emissions to account for the use of green energy.

The IPCC's AR5 and AR6 are now supported as a standard for scope 1 emissions. The U.S. EPA standard for scope 2 emissions is updated.

Safety Analysis Improvements

Entrance Fittings Available for Line Sizing

In V14, you can now select entrance fittings for inlet pipes in line sizing (in Rating mode) to account for movement from the vessel into the inlet line. The following fittings are provided:

Fitting Type


Data Source

Entrance: Sharp-Edged        0.5        Crane TP 410, page A-29
Entrance: Rounded, r/d 0.02        0.28        Crane TP 410, page A-29
Entrance: Rounded, r/d 0.04        0.24        Crane TP 410, page A-29
Entrance: Rounded, r/d 0.06        0.15        Crane TP 410, page A-29
Entrance: Rounded, r/d 0.10        0.09        Crane TP 410, page A-29
Entrance: Well-Rounded        0.04        Crane TP 410, page A-29
Entrance: Inward-Projecting        0.78        Crane TP 410, page A-29
Support for Additional Properties in Safety Datasheets

The following additional fluid properties are now available within custom datasheets for two-phase calculations:

Molecular weight for both phases

Dynamic viscosity for both phases

Customized Discharge Coefficients for Custom Orifices

You can now customize the discharge coefficients for custom orifices using the Orifice Manager. You can modify the Vapor Kd, Liquid Kd, and/or Mixed-Phase Kd values.

New User Specified Fitting Type

For the Rating line sizing method, a new User Specified fitting type is available. Selecting this option allows you to edit the K, L/D, and Source fields.

Calculated K Value Reported for Swages and Tees

For line sizing, the calculated K value for swages and tees is now reported.

New Wetted (NFPA-30) Fire Method

For Fire scenarios, a new Wetted (NFPA-30) Fire calculation method is now available. Wetted (NFPA 30) Fire calculations use the NFPA 30: Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code. NFPA 30 calculations are similar to API 2000 calculations. The primary difference is how wetted area is calculated. For wetted area calculations, for horizontal and spherical vessels, as with API 2000, there is a minimum area of 55% of spherical and 75% of horizontal vessels (imposed regardless of liquid level or flame height). Aspen Plus takes the greater of the following two values:

Wetted area to flame height

55% for spherical vessels / 75% for horizontal vessels

Vertical vessels function the same as for API 2000, just with the different default maximum flame height for Wetted (NFPA 30) Fire, which is 9.14 m / 30 ft.

Direct Integration (HEM) Orifice Sizing is now Allowed for Semi-Dynamic Fire Scenarios

For Fire scenarios using the Semi-Dynamic Flash calculation method, the Direct Integration (HEM) method for orifice sizing is now allowed and can be selected from the Relieving Phase - Method drop-down list.

Recalculation Enhancement

Previously, upon entering the Safety Analysis environment all systems were recalculated completely regardless of whether the inputs were changed since the previous entry. This had a significant performance impact on entry when there were a lot of calculations to re-run. Now line sizing results are preserved, and calculations will only re-run when changes have been made to corresponding reference streams.

Note: A file from an older version will always be fully recalculated upon the first entry to the Safety Analysis environment.
Workflow and Usability Improvements

You can now create ACM models directly within Aspen Plus, rather than creating them in Aspen Custom Modeler and exporting to Aspen Plus. For more information, see Creating ACM Models in Aspen Plus.

In BatchOp and RBatch reactors, in previous versions if the reactor volume was not specified, then the cumulative duty profile was not calculated. Now this result is calculated for all cases.

Batch plots now have an option to display a vertical "tracker" bar across the plot which moves with the mouse. Plot values along the tracker bar are displayed.

When specifying equilibrium constant for chemistry, it's now possible to use mole fraction for the concentration basis.

New examples for ammonium phosphates production and ammonia cracking.

A new Aspen eLearning button on the Resources tab of the ribbon provides convenient access to online, self-paced training courses.

A new Global parameter initialization option on the Setup | Calculation Options | Calculations sheet provides a default initial value for any global parameters which do not have an Initial value specified in any block where they are referenced.

A new Makeup unit operation model is available. Makeup provides a way to balance the circulating material flow in recycle loops. Makeup adjusts the flow rate of its inlet makeup streams, and purges a portion of the feed flow, as necessary, in order to maintain specifications.


A new hydrogen package has been added, supporting H2, H2-ORTHO, H2-PARA, He, Ne, N2, Ar, CH4, and CO2. The package is based on the HYSPR method and the AP-EOS databank has been extended to include the parameters necessary to use this method with these components.

The ELECCOND property set for electrical conductivity, which previously could only be calculated by the OLI property method using Aspen OLI, can now be calculated by the Aspen Physical Property System for H2O-KOH systems only. Other systems still require the OLI method.

There are new property sets for elemental analysis: FCOMP for mole flow, WCOMP for mass flow, XCOMP for mole fraction, and WXCOMP for mass fraction. These properties reference a component, and compute the flow or fraction of all atoms which appear in that component. The fraction properties can be configured to use percent or ppm units.

The Power-Law Mixing Rule for Polymer Mixture Viscosity has been added as a new model to uniquely account for the effects of pressure on polymer viscosity. This model is not part of any method. To use it, you must add it to another method which provides the pure-component viscosities. For instructions on how to do so, see the help for the model.

In Aspen Properties Database Manager, you can export all the compounds in a databank to Excel by right-clicking the top left corner of the Compounds grid.

You can now search PubChem from the Find Components dialog box to access millions more components if the ones you want are not in our databases. This will import the molecular structure and run PCES estimation to estimate parameters.

Two refrigerant compounds available in the REFPROP model published by NIST but not available in Aspen Physical Property System databanks when we last updated REFPROP are present in NISTV140 and are now supported in the REFPROP property method. They are:

Alias        CAS Number        Name
C3HCLF4-N1        111512-60-8        HCFO-1224YD(Z)
C3H2CLF3-N1        102687-65-0        R1233ZD
The PURE40 databank has been added, based on the 2021 DIPPR public release. The following 18 compounds have been added to those in PURE39:

Alias        CAS Number        Name
C2H6O2-N1        690-02-8        DIMETHYL-PEROXIDE
C4H4O2-N4        497-23-4        2(5H)-FURANONE
C4H6O-D6        78-94-4        2-BUTEN-3-ONE
C5H8F4-D1        86154-51-0        2,2,4,4-TETRAFLUOROPENTANE
C5H8O2-D8        51933-10-9        3-METHOXY-3-BUTEN-2-ONE
C6HF13        355-37-3        1H-PERFLUORO-N-HEXANE
C6H8O-N1        625-86-5        2,5-DIMETHYLOXOLE
C7H16O3-D2        74338-98-0        1-tert-BUTYL-GLYCERIN
C10H12O2-D2        5932-68-3        TRANS-ISOEUGENOL
C12H11N-N1        90-41-5        2-AMINOBIPHENYL
C13H10O3-N1        118-55-8        PHENYL-SALYCILATE
C18H36O        143-28-2        9-OCTADECEN-1-OL,-(Z)-
C19H36O3        141-24-2        METHYL-RICINOLEATE
C19H38O4        542-44-9        1-MONOPALMITIN
C35H68O5-D1        502-52-3        GLYCEROL-1,3-DIPALMITATE
H8Si3        7783-26-8        TRISILANE
H10Si4        7783-29-1        n-TETRASILANE
H12Si5        14868-53-2        n-PENTASILANE
The APESV140 database is unrestricted starting in V14. Three new databanks, FERMENT, BIOFEED, and FLARE, are added to APESV140.

Sulfide and disulfide groups have been added to UNIFAC (Dortmund Modified) and interaction parameters for these groups and sulfones with a variety of other groups have been added.

Some search improvements have been made:

It's now possible to search for compounds using only compound class and optionally other qualifiers such as molecular weight without specifying a part of the name.

You can search for new component classes Biocomponents and Solids.

[发帖际遇]: Horse 乐于助人,帮助不愿意过马路的老奶奶过马路,奖励 8 个 韶华币. 幸运榜 / 衰神榜
发表于 1970-1-1 08:00:00 显示全部楼层

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发表于 1970-1-1 08:00:00 显示全部楼层
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已抛锚 成长值: 16100

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发表于 1970-1-1 08:00:00 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 speedhorse 于 2022-11-19 14:30 编辑

New Wetted (NFPA-30) Fire Method

For Fire scenarios, a new Wetted (NFPA-30) Fire calculation method is now available. Wetted (NFPA 30) Fire calculations use the NFPA 30: Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code. NFPA 30 calculations are similar to API 2000 calculations. The primary difference is how wetted area is calculated. For wetted area calculations, for horizontal and spherical vessels, as with API 2000, there is a minimum area of 55% of spherical and 75% of horizontal vessels (imposed regardless of liquid level or flame height). Aspen Plus takes the greater of the following two values:

Wetted area to flame height

55% for spherical vessels / 75% for horizontal vessels

[发帖际遇]: speedhorse 成功获得红包 5 个 韶华币. 幸运榜 / 衰神榜
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 成长值: 66655

发表于 1970-1-1 08:00:00 显示全部楼层
Pure 40增加了18个组分,估计没人能用到吧。
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发表于 1970-1-1 08:00:00 显示全部楼层
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发表于 1970-1-1 08:00:00 显示全部楼层
[发帖际遇]: 静能生慧-野藤 成功加入五毛党,回帖一个奖励 5 个 韶华币. 幸运榜 / 衰神榜
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