今天再装aspen V7.1时遇到数据库不对的问题,我没将安装文件放在传统的C盘,而是放在了D盘,当一个组件快安完了时弹出一个消息框,好像提醒数据库有问题,让查找下面路径的ErrorLog文件C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\AspenTech\APED V7.1。 没管它继续安装后面的,然后安装完后,点击这个文件,内容如下:
***DataBase restore fail
You can follow the steps below to manually restore the failed databses:
APV71 restore failed, please click start-->run--type "cmd", copy and run command line:sqlcmd -E -S BI03BZKHSQNYPWV\SQLEXPRESS -Q "restore database APV71 from disk='D:\Program Files\AspenTech\APrSystem V7.1\PropertiesDatabase\Database\APV71' WITH MOVE 'APV71' TO 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\AspenTech\APED V7.1\APV71.MDF', MOVE '_Log' TO 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\AspenTech\APED V7.1\APV71_Log.LDF'"
NISTV71 restore failed, please click start-->run--type "cmd", copy and run command line:sqlcmd -E -S BI03BZKHSQNYPWV\SQLEXPRESS -Q "restore database NISTV71 from disk='D:\Program Files\AspenTech\APrSystem V7.1\PropertiesDatabase\Database\NISTV71' WITH MOVE 'NISTV71' TO 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\AspenTech\APED V7.1\NISTV71.MDF', MOVE '_Log' TO 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\AspenTech\APED V7.1\NISTV71_Log.LDF'"
FACTV71 restore failed, please click start-->run--type "cmd", copy and run command line:sqlcmd -E -S BI03BZKHSQNYPWV\SQLEXPRESS -Q "restore database FACTV71 from disk='D:\Program Files\AspenTech\APrSystem V7.1\PropertiesDatabase\Database\FACTV71' WITH MOVE 'FACTV71' TO 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\AspenTech\APED V7.1\FACTV71.MDF', MOVE '_Log' TO 'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\AspenTech\APED V7.1\FACTV71_Log.LDF'"
***DBUser failed to create
You can follow the steps below to manually create DBUser:
1. Click start-->run--type "cmd", copy and run command line: sqlcmd -E -S BI03BZKHSQNYPWV\SQLEXPRESS -Q "EXECUTE SP_ADDLOGIN 'apeduser', 'Aprop100', 'master'"
2. Then, copy and run command line:sqlcmd -E -S BI03BZKHSQNYPWV\SQLEXPRESS -Q "EXECUTE SP_ADDSRVROLEMEMBER 'apeduser', 'sysadmin'"