ASPEN 中,NRTL方程的参数设置问题。
The NRTL model calculates liquid activity coefficients for the following property methods: NRTL, NRTL-2, NRTL-HOC, NRTL-NTH, and NRTL-RK. It is recommended for highly non-ideal chemical systems, and can be used for VLE and LLE applications. The model can also be used in the advanced equation-of-state mixing rules, such as Wong-Sandler and MHV2. The equation for the NRTL model is: for Tlower £ T £ Tupper Where: aij, bij, eij, and fij are unsymmetrical. That is, aij may not be equal to aji, etc. Recommended cij Values for Different Types of Mixtures cij | Mixtures | 0.30 | Nonpolar substances; nonpolar with polar non-associated liquids; small deviations from ideality | 0.20 | Saturated hydrocarbons with polar non-associated liquids and systems that exhibit liquid-liquid immiscibility | 0.47 | Strongly self-associated substances with nonpolar substances |
The binary parameters aij, bij, cij, dij, eij, and fij can be determined from VLE and/or LLE data regression. The Aspen Physical Property System has a large number of built-in binary parameters for the NRTL model. The binary parameters have been regressed using VLE and LLE data from the Dortmund Databank. The binary parameters for the VLE applications were regressed using the ideal gas, Redlich-Kwong, and Hayden O'Connell equations of state. See Physical Property Data, Chapter 1, for details. Parameter Name/Element | Symbol | Default | MDS | Lower Limit | Upper Limit | Units | NRTL/1 | aij | 0 | x | -100.0 | 100.0 | — | NRTL/2 | bij | 0 | x | -30000 | 30000.0 | TEMPERATURE | NRTL/3 | cij | 0.30 | x | 0.0 | 1.0 | — | NRTL/4 | dij | 0 | x | -0.02 | 0.02 | TEMPERATURE | NRTL/5 | eij | 0 | x | — | — | TEMPERATURE | NRTL/6 | fij | 0 | x | — | — | TEMPERATURE | NRTL/7 | Tlower | 0 | x | — | — | TEMPERATURE | NRTL/8 | Tupper | 1000 | x | — | — | TEMPERATURE |
Note: If any of bij, dij, or eij is non-zero, absolute temperature units are assumed for bij, dij, eij, and fij. Otherwise, user input units for temperature are used. The temperature limits are always interpreted in user input units. The NRTL-2 property method uses data set 2 for NRTL. All other NRTL methods use data set 1. References H. Renon and J.M. Prausnitz, "Local Compositions in Thermodynamic Excess Functions for Liquid Mixtures," AIChE J., Vol. 14, No. 1, (1968), pp. 135 – 144.