本帖最后由 ljjt 于 2013-3-3 20:46 编辑
This Cumulative Patch fixes issues that have been found in version V8.0 of Aspen Plus. It also includes fixes for defects in Aspen Adsorption.
Issues Addressed in this Patch
Defect ID
When launching Aspen Plus for the first time, it may crash or freeze due to a failure when restoring APED databases.
When using Custom tables with hierachical flowsheets, Aspen Plus may lose the Custom table variables, and sometimes crash.
Aspen Plus might freeze when adding an Exchanger in the Energy Analysis environment
After converting a ConSep block to RadFrac, open forms from the ConSep block may still be shown. Using any such forms may cause Aspen Plus to crash.
CQ00486148, CQ00486143
Some solids blocks, such as Screen, ESP, Cyclone and VScrub, do not set the outlet stream properties (enthalpy, entropy, density) correctly if the inlet is vapor-liquid. Missing or wrong stream enthalpies can lead to failures in downstream blocks. A mass balance error for Cyclone can occur.
When opening a backup file with multiple HeatX outlets, Aspen Plus will assign incorrect Valid Phases to the outlets, therefore changing the problem definition.
The ESP block input specifications for voltage use incorrect unit of measurement information.
The balance block does not work correctly if it is accessing HeatX outlet streams. This may cause FORTRAN errors.
Wrong results, errors, and FORTRAN exceptions occur when using the round inlet configuration in the Cyclone model using any correlation other than Muschelknautz.
Aspen Plus crashes when a pressure-driven dynamic simulation is exported for a flowsheet containing one or more FSplit blocks.
Using special characters such as # in the tab name for Custom tables will cause Aspen Plus to freeze.
After running a Data Regression case, it is not possible to select property on Prop-x dialogue when trying to plot.
Aspen Plus may crash when solving multiple Design Specifications simultaneously in asystem- or user-generated convergence block.
VBA automation may return the wrong value for isRunning.
After deleting all scenarios, the Economics dashboard remains expanded showing results.
Paste of variables into Aspen Simulation Workbook fails for a .apwz file if it has not been Activated from with Aspen Simulation Workbook
Error when exporting a Model Summary table to Excel
If an unreasonable value for the Screen cut size is set by a Design Specification, Calculator, or Sensitivity block, you may get a mass balance error from the Screen block.
Aspen Plus may crash on exit if you have performed Energy Analysis calculations during the session, and you do not have administrator rights on your computer.
Crash using the Energy Analysis environment when your input file is stored in a location to which you have read-only access e.g. an example file.
Aspen Plus cases with Energy Analysis crash when closing the file without saving.
In the VScrub model the relative gas velocity result is incorrect.
After making changes in the Energy Analysis environment the dashboard does not always show the latest results.
Aspen Plus may crash when the energy dashboard is clicked after going to the Energy Analysis environment.
Deleting the Saving Potentials form in the Energy Analysis environment may cause a crash. There is no need to delete that form so the delete option has been removed.
CQ00486514, CQ00485735
Freeze clicking the Generate Button in the Energy Analysis activated analysis panel.
In global stream data, you cannot display property D80 in substreams other than MIXED.
The Aspen Plus and Energy Analyzer processes are not closed when you close Aspen Plus if you have previously opened, closed and re-opened the Energy Analysis panel.
When using HeatX with the rigorous model options, if the utility is on the cold side, the simulation may be bypassed when it should run.
The Plot wizard plots for an SQP Convergence object do not work correctly, and may cause Aspen Plus to crash.
The VScrub model may issue a warning with no message, thus you may not know what may be wrong with the results.
Aspen Plus gives an error message when attempting to Undo moving of a block to a hierarchy. Undo is now disabled in this situation.
Aspen Plus may crash when pasting reaction stoichiometry information into a custom table.
CQ00486116, CQ00490464
Crash when using Find Variable on a custom table.
If CISOLID components are defined and CISOLID a substream is not defined, HeatX may report an inaccurate duty.
The HeatX block with a rigorous Shell & Tube model may report an outlet pressure that is inconsistent with the feed pressure of the downstream block.
CQ00487082, CQ00488649
For Plant View the Stream Table Display and Tag Mapping is not preserved when you save as .apwz.
Plant View does not show streams in simulations that contain only streams
There is no longer a crash when an invalid URL is entered for the Plant View Source URL.
Aspen Adsorption - The solid temperature boundary value is equated incorrectly between layers, when more than one layer is present in a bed unit.
While using a new installation of any of the aspenONE V8.0 products with a Standalone License file or commuted license, you may encounter "Unable to Acquire License XXXXX."
Aspen Adsorption - The heat exchanged is calculated incorrectly when an internal heat exchanger is defined in a bed unit.