用aspen 的朋友应该都知道,在做原油其它性质时,如硫含量、辛烷值等,在输入property curve data时,会有这么一个空,bulk value() 小弟不甚了解这个bulk value 具体指什么值。help 文件如下:
Examples of petroleum properties include: Sulfur content Metal content Octane numbers
Petroleum property curves provide values for a petroleum property at various values of cumulative percent boil off in either volume % or weight % (matching the basis of the distillation curve). To enter petroleum property curves: From the Data menu, select Components, then Assay/Blend. On the Assay/Blend Object Manager, select the assay for which you wish to enter data, and click Edit. Select Property Curves, from the left pane of the Data Browser. On the Petro Properties sheet, select a petroleum property in the Property Type list.
[img=422,290][/img] In the Property Curve Data frame, enter at least four pairs of values in the Mid Percent Distilled (on the same basis as distillation data, i.e., volume or weight) and Property Value fields, to define the curve. Optionally, enter a bulk value for the property in the Bulk Value field. If you enter a bulk value, Aspen Properties normalizes the individual curve values to the bulk value. To enter additional property curves, repeat steps 1 through 3 for each additional property.