Aspen HYSYSTeaching Modules Description
The examples presented are solely intended to illustrate specific concepts and principles. They may not reflect an industrial application or real situation. It's only for academic purposes.
1. Motivation for Creation The motivation for creating these teaching modules is to augment the chemical engineering curriculum with Aspen HYSYS examples. The goal is to facilitate the use of simulation and engineering tools across the curriculum. Aspen HYSYS allows for the solution of problems more complex than those solvable with pencil and paper, but not without a learning curve. Example problems and solutions have been documented to aid in teaching chemical engineering content and also to introduce process simulation.
The teaching modules are written to address a specific target area in the hope that the problem which is solved in the module adds to the classroom lesson on the subject. The examples were designed to be completely modular, and so only rely on students having the prerequisites listed in the beginning of the document. The steps are delineated and screen-captured so the students learn to use Aspen HYSYS as they learn the chemical engineering material.
2. List of Materials
 Each module has a PDF file with a lesson objective, list of prerequisites, problem background, problem statement, Aspen HYSYS solution, and summarizing conclusion.
 There is also a solution file for the module, and starting points for those that require it; if there is a starter file, it is listed in the prerequisites section in the PDF file.
 A sample presentation is also included with each module which introduces the problem statement in the module.
The documentation file, solution file, presentation and any other files have a unique identifier and the identifier is contained in the file name first, followed by the module title. The lessons are listed in Table 1: Lessons by Module, with their identifier and target subject.
Aspen HYSYS Read-Me First.pdf (296k)
Design.zip (3143k)
Distillation.zip (14767k)
Dynamics.zip (10869k)
Getting Started Guide.zip (1094k)
Material and Heat Balance.zip (2478k)
Petroleum.zip (1881k)
Physical Properties.zip (1990k)
Reactors.zip (5575k)
Thermo.zip (6322k)
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