Clean CoalTechnologies in Japan Technological Innovation in the Coal Industry 洁净煤技术在日本的煤炭行业的技术创新
By New Energy and IndustrialTechnology Development Organization (NEDO)
Publisher: New Energy and IndustrialTechnology Development Organization (NEDO)
Number Of Pages: 116
Publication Date: 2006-12
Binding: pdf
Electric power generation
Coal consumption
Total primary energy supply GDP CO2 emissions
Thermal power generation efficiency CO2emissions/GDP
The New Energy and Industrial TechnologyDevelopment Organization (NEDO) and the Japan Coal Energy Center (JCOAL) havejointly prepared this guide as a review of the history of "Clean CoalTechnology (CCT)" in Japan, to systematically describe the present stateof CCT insofar as possible, and to provide useful material for noveltechnological innovation. NEDO and JCOAL hope this brochure will be helpful inelucidating why Japan’s CCT is an attractive technology in the ever-increasingcomplexity of coal utilization owing to global warming and other environmentalissues. NEDO and JCOAL also hope this brochure will encourage rapid progress inCCT development and the foundation of innovative clean coal utilizationsystems. As described herein, CCT development in Japan has reached the world’shighest level of technological superiority, making the technology highlyattractive to Asian countries that depend on coal as an energy source. InJapan, coal consumption has rapidly increased since 1998, with gross thermalpower generation efficiency increasing from approximately 38% to 41% over thepast dozen or so years. In addition, emissions of CO2, SOx and NOx pergenerated power unit from thermal power plants are far below the level of otherindustrialized countries. In this regard, CCT is expected to becomestandardized worldwide, satisfying both economic and environmental requirementsby reducing CO2 emissions and maintaining GDP growth. Technological innovationhas no boundaries; significant progress can be attained sustainably andprogressively. Patient, consistent efforts to build on technologicaldevelopments can support a continually evolving society. NEDO and JCOAL areconfident this publication will contribute to CCT development and we lookforward to the emergence of dramatic technological innovations in the coalindustry.
Clean Coal Technologies in Japan Technological Innovation in the Coal Industry.part1.rar(1MB)
Clean Coal Technologies in Japan Technological Innovation in the Coal Industry.part2.rar(1MB)
Clean Coal Technologies in Japan Technological Innovation in the Coal Industry.part3.rar(1MB)
Clean Coal Technologies in Japan Technological Innovation in the Coal Industry.part4.rar(1MB)
Clean Coal Technologies in Japan Technological Innovation in the Coal Industry.part5.rar(795.78KB)
Clean Coal Technologies in Japan Technological Innovation in the Coal Industry.pdf(5.85MB) |