本帖最后由 huagongkeji 于 2021-9-29 09:39 编辑
A studyreleased by the Kauffman Fellows Research Center highlights an extra benefit tohaving female founders on your team, reports Bloomberg. 据彭博社报道,考夫曼研究中心发表的一项研究表明,团队中有女性创始人有额外的好处。 Startups with atleast one female founder raised an average of 21% more fundingfrom venture capital firms—amounting to $5 million more in funding onaverage. 至少有一位女性创始人的初创公司从风险投资公司那里平均可多筹集21%的资金——也就是平均多筹集500万美元。 The study lookedat data from Crunchbase for more than 90,000 U.S. VC-backed companies between2001 and 2018. 该研究调查了Crunchbase(一家覆盖初创公司及投资机构生态的企业服务数据库公司)提供的2001年至2018年间9万多家接受美国风投支持的公司的数据。 It found that inearly rounds of investment, mixed-gender startups raised roughly the sameamount of cash as their all-male counterparts. 研究发现,在早期的几轮投资中,男性和女性共同创办的初创公司筹集到的资金与完全由男性创办的初创公司筹集到的资金差不多。 However, by thethird and fourth rounds of funding, mixed-gender startups raised on average $23million in VC investment compared to $18 million for all-male teams. 然而,到第三轮和第四轮融资的时候,男女共同创业获得的风险投资平均为2300万美元,而男性创业获得的风险投资为1800万美元。 The bad news forstartups is that currently only around 22% of them have at least one woman as afounder. Also, all-female founded startups still get the short shrift when itcomes to funding. 对初创公司来说,坏消息是目前只有22%的公司至少有一名女性创始人。此外,在融资方面,完全由女性创办的初创公司仍然受到冷遇。 If a startupdoesn’t have at least one male founder, that startup is likely to get a muchsmaller slice of the VC funding pie. 如果一家初创公司没有男性创始人,那么这家初创公司获得的风险投资可能会少得多。 Research fromPitchBook found that of the $130 billion VCs invested in startups last year,only 2.2% of it went to all-female founded startups. PitchBook(一家提供投资信息的公司)的研究表明,去年初创公司获得了1300亿美元的风投资金,而其中只有2.2%投给了完全由女性创办的企业。 One lucky venture made his fortune. 一次幸运的机会使他发了财。