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发表于 1970-1-1 08:00:00 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Diversify,Especially If You Don't Know What You Are Doing!
In the words offamed e conomist John Maynard Keynes, diversification is insurance againstignorance.
著名经济学家John Maynard Keynes说过多样化是战胜无知的保证。
He believed thatrisk could actually be reduced by holding fewer investments and getting to knowthem extraordinarily well.
Of course, the manwas one of the most brilliant financial minds of the past century so thisphilosophy isn’t sound policy for most investors, especially if they can’tanalyze financial statements or don’t know the difference between the Dow JonesIndustrial Average and a Dodo.
These days,widespread diversification can be had at a fraction of the cost of what waspossible even a few decades ago. With index funds, mutual funds, and dividendreinvestment programs, the frictional expenses of owning shares in hundreds ofdifferent companies have largely been eliminated or, at the very least,substantially reduced.
This can helpprotect you against permanent loss by spreading your assets out over enoughcompanies that if one or even a few of them go belly-up, you won’t be harmed.
In fact, due to aphenomenon is known as the mathematics of diversification, it will probablyresult in higher overall compounding returns on a risk-adjusted basis.
One thing you wantto watch for is correlation. Specifically, you want to look for uncorrelatedrisks so that your holdings are constantly offsetting each other to even outeconomic and business cycles.
When I first wrotethe predecessor to this piece almost fifteen years ago, I warned that it wasn'tenough to own thirty different stocks if half of them consisted of Bank ofAmerica, JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, U.S. Bank, Fifth Third Bancorp, etcetera, because you may have owned a lot of shares in several differentcompanies but you were not diversified; that a "systematic shock such asmassive real estate loan failure could send shockwaves through the bankingsystem, effectively hurting all of your positions", which is preciselywhat happened during the 2007-2009 collapse.
Of course, thestronger firms such as U.S. Bancorp and Wells Fargo & Company did just finedespite a period when they had declined 80% on paper peak-to-trough, especiallyif you reinvested your dividends and were dollar cost averaging into them; areminder that it's often better to focus on strength first and foremost.
Behavioraleconomics, on the other hand, has proven most people are emotionally incapableof focusing on the underlying business, instead of panicking and liquidating atthe least opportune moment.
But beside allthese, just remember: Stick to Stocks Within Your "Circle ofCompetence"
In investing, asin life, success is just as much about avoiding mistakes as it is about makingintelligent decisions.
If you are ascientist who works at Pfizer, you are going to have a very strong competitiveadvantage in determining the relative attractiveness of pharmaceutical stockscompared to someone who works in the oil sector.
Likewise, a personin the oil sector is going to probably have a much bigger advantage over you inunderstanding the oil majors than you are.
Peter Lynch was abig proponent of the “invest in what you know” philosophy.
Peter Lynch就非常支持“投资你所了解的行业”这一说法。
In fact, many ofhis most successful investments were a result of following his wife and teenagekids around the shopping mall or driving through town eating Dunkin’Doughnuts.
There is alegendary story in old-school value investing circles about a man who becamesuch an expert in American water companies that he literally knew the profit ina tub full of bathwater or the average toilet flush, building a fortune bytrading a specific stock.  
One caveat: Youmust be honest with yourself. Just because you worked the counter at ChickenMary's as a teenager doesn't mean you are automatically going to have anadvantage when analyzing a poultry company like Tyson Chicken.
警告:你必须要对自己诚实。仅仅是十多岁时在Chicken Mary's站过柜台并不意味着在分析Tyson Chicken这样的家禽公司时你就有优势了。
A good test is toask yourself if you know enough about a given industry to take over a businessin that field and be successful. If the answer is "yes", you may havefound your niche. If not, keep studying.

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