The averageshopper can't remember a time when fixed prices weren't the norm. After all,it's been well over a century since rounds of haggling was the waygoods and services changed hands. Fixed prices were introduced in the early1800s as an attractive new featurethat could save consumers time, money, and emotional energy, and were a great benefit to merchants, too. 普通购买者已经想不起来从什么时候开始固定价格就已经不再是行规了。毕竟,货物和服务交易讨价还价是将近一个多世纪以前的事了。固定价格在19世纪早期引进,作为节省顾客时间、金钱和情感能量的新兴方式,同样也给商人带来了好处。 The benefitsstuck, even in an era of e-commerce when consumers assume online stores offerlower prices without brick and mortar overhead and when comparisonshopping is easier than ever. 这种好处依旧存在,哪怕是在这样一个在线商务时代,消费者认为在线商店提供的价格更低廉,因为不存在装修店面的开销,而且比较购物比以往更为便捷。 Personalization 个性化 PriceWaiter allowsmerchants to offer a personalized price in addition to their usual fixed price.Customers can add an item to their shopping cart, pay, and ship like normal.Or, if customers don't want to pay the fixed price, they can simply click thePriceWaiter button and make an offer. The merchant accepts, counteroffers, or rejects that offer, and then customers can completethe purchase in a few clicks straight from their email. PriceWaiter允许商家在固定价格之外提供个性化的价格。消费者可以正常将货物添加到购物车,付款,运输。或者,如果消费者不想要支付固定价格,他们可以访问PriceWaiter下订单。商家接受、还价或者是拒绝订单,然后消费者可以从邮件中通过几步点击成功购买。 Connection 联系 Not only domerchants interact heavily with customers and their data leading up to thesale, they can now maintain that same level of connection during the sale.Co-founder Andrew Scarbrough explains, "It slows people down and makesthem more engaged shoppers." 不仅仅商家和消费者以及他们的导向销售的数据紧密相关,他们现在可以在销售中也保持同等的联系。公司创始人安德烈•斯卡布勒说:“这使得人们减慢速度,更多地参与到购物中来。” Humanization 人性化 In an age whenbrands increasingly view advertising as a conversation, PriceWaiter offers away to humanize the actual purchase process as well. 在品牌逐渐把广告看做沟通的时代,PriceWaiter做到把采购过程也人性化了。 As fast andeffortless as fixed prices are, they also remove the human element that is partof why haggling can be an exhilarating experience.Negotiating the price in, say, a traditional Turkish bazaarlets the seller express pride in the craftsmanship andquality of the goods he sells. It allows the buyer to express their needs andpain points. As efficient as fixed prices can be, they eliminate that processof communication. PriceWaiter has found a way to add it back into the shoppingexperience without sacrificing convenience. 固定价格快捷不费劲,但它们同样去除了人为因素。而这一因素是讨价还价为何令人振奋的原因。讨价还价在传统的土耳其集市上让卖家表明他们对自己销售的产品工艺和质量的自豪。它也能让买家表达自己的需求和难处。尽管固定价格十分高效,但它们消除了交流的过程。PriceWaiter找到了把它加回购物体验中而不会造成不便的方法。 Personalizedpricing is a similarly risk-reducing feature, allowing the customer to usetheir knowledge from comparison shopping and their brand preferences in theirfavor. They aren't forced to make a decision from price alone, but can make anoffer to their preferred retailer. The retailer in turn can decide if thediscount is worth the extra business they may have missed out on if thecustomer had chosen to go to a different site, or pass on the purchaseentirely. 个性化的标价也是相似的低风险标志,允许消费者使用通过对比较购物和个人偏好的品牌的认知。他们不会被迫只靠价格就作出决定,而是能向他们喜欢的零售商讨价还价。同样,零售商能够决定这样的折扣是不是值得再做一笔生意。如果消费者选择了另一家网站或者完全放弃购买,他们可能就错过了这笔生意。 Scarbroughexplained that many PriceWaiter offers ask for just a 10 percent discount,something easy for most retailers to swallow, and that can add up formajor savings for the consumer on big-ticket items like furniture. 斯卡布勒解释说,很多PriceWaiter的订单只要求9折,这对大部分零售商都可以接受,消费者也能在像家具这种大额物品上省下更多的费用。 Even a smalldiscount can build trust, loyalty, and increase a customer's probability of purchase, reducing their resistance and increasingconsumer confidence. 哪怕很小的折扣也可以建立起信任、忠诚以及增加消费者购买的可能性,减少他们的抗拒心理,增加信心。 Simply byhumanizing the sale process to match native advertising campaigns and friendly social media engagement, retailers canincrease profitable sales and satisfaction. 仅仅靠人性化销售过程,与本地广告营销和友善的社交媒体参与相匹配,零售商就可以增加销售利润和满意度。