What are the mostdifficult and useful things people have to learn in their 20s? 二十几岁的人最该学也最难学的是什么? These are the mostdifficult things I've learnt/am still learning. 这些是我已经学会的、还在学的最难的事情。 1.There are alwaysgoing to be people who are smarter, better looking, more sociable, and just allaround "better" than you. In fact, you'll learn there are LOTS ofpeople who fit that description. To be happy, then, you have to learn to acceptyourself and your shortcomings. 1.总会有比你聪明,比你好看,比你更擅长社交的人,到处都是比你好的人。事实上,许多人的确名副其实。开心点,你要学着接受自己和自己的缺点。 2.Success doesindeed come from hard work. Hard work without talent doesn't ensure success,but talent without hard work ensures mediocrity. 2.成功的确需要努力。缺乏天赋只靠努力可能不会成功,但是只靠天赋不努力,注定碌碌无为。 3.It's unlikelyyou'll become anything close to your wildest ambitions, simply because you'lllearn everyone has big ambitions, and there's only so many slots in this world. 3.你不太可能实现你最大的梦想,因为你会知道每个人都有大大的梦想,而世界上只有那么多位子。 4.Idealism aside,money = opportunity and therefore matters. Relationships and power matter more. 4.别太理想主义,钱就等于机会,所以钱很重要。人际关系和权力更重要。 5.Friendship isn'tforever. Social and economic status does create divides and strains in even theoldest relationships. 5.友谊不是永远的。即使在最长久的朋友之间,社会地位和经济状况也会造成你们之间的分歧和关系紧张。 6.Your parent(s)basically gave up their freedom to raise you, and deserve a medal. You knowthis because with only one job on your plate, you already have no time. 6.你的父母基本上是放弃了他们的自由来把你养大的,他们值得你的认可。这一点你应该很清楚,因为你现在只做一份工作都已经焦头烂额了。 7.Adult life isabout learning to live with ambiguity. Remember when you thought you'd have itall sorted out by 30? No. Whether it be your career, your relationships or yourbeliefs, you will always question whether you are making the right choices andwill have to deal with regret. 7.成年人的生活是飘忽不定的。还记得你曾经想30岁的时候你就能安定下来吗?不会的。这是否会是你的事业,你的爱人,你的信仰。你会经常问自己到底有没有做出对的选择,还有,如果你后悔了要怎么办。 8.Metabolismslows. 8.新陈代谢会变慢。