What Are Some ofthe Dark Lessons That Life Showed You? 生活给你灌了哪些毒鸡汤? 1. Never tellpeople 100%, tell them 70% about yourself, and 30% should be hidden. 不要对别人全盘托出,只告诉他们70%,剩下的30%应该隐藏起来。 2. Anyone you lovecan die. Any time. Cherishthem. 你爱的每一个人随时都可能逝去,请珍惜他们。 3. Fairness is unnatural.Nothing is 100% fair. 公平是违背自然规律的,没有绝对的公平。 4. Live life theway you want to live it. Because even people who care for you can’t be with youevery step of the way. 按照你想要的生活方式去生活,因为即使是那些关心你的人也没有办法陪你走旅途的每一步。 5. People onlywant to hear the good, not the bad. 人只喜欢听好消息。 6. Respect yourself,because people can see if you don’t. 尊重自己。因为如果你没有尊重自己,别人看得出来。 7. Everyone has amask and they play different ones to different people. 每个人都带着一个面具,对不一样的人漏出不一样的嘴脸。 8. Once you hurtsomeone, they’re not likely to forget. They will always remember how muchyou’ve hurt them. One negligible action can have devastating consequences. 一旦你伤害了别人,他们并不会轻易忘记。他们会一直记住你伤他们多深。一个微不足道的举动可能会带来毁灭性的后果。 9. Appearances DOmatter. We live in a condemnatory, judgmental world. 外表确实很重要。我们生活在一个非难的、评头论足的世界。 10. It isimpossible to please everyone. There will ALWAYS be someone who disagrees withyou, and frankly, you’re not living life if you don’t have enemies. 不可能取悦每一个人。总会有人不赞同你,坦白地说,如果你没有敌人那你就算不上在生活。 Life is not aboutfacebook likes, anymore. 社交网络上的点赞并不是生活的全部。 No one cares aboutyou during your failure except your family members. 没有人会在你失败的时候真正关心你,除了你的家人。 Success is thebest revenge. No one gives a shit when you're nothing. 成功是最好的复仇,当你什么都不是的时候,没有人会在乎。 Health is wealth,no matter how much you earn or how much you are focused towards your career,never ever ignore your health. 健康就是财富,不管你可以赚多少钱、多专注于工作,永远不要忽视你的健康。 Money andeducation matter in life. 钱和学业很重要。 Sometimes you haveto give up on people. Not because you don't care, but because they don't. 有时候你不得不放弃了某些人,并不是因为你不在乎,而是他们并不在乎。 Never ever judge abook by its cover. 不要单凭一本书的封面就去评价它(不要以貌取人)。