MS Dhoni was once asked by a student How does he manage to be calm in the exam hall just before the exam. It was during the promotions of the Movie MS Dhoni: The untold story. We all know how calm and focused our captain cool is. 曾有一名学生问MS多尼(印度板球队长)他考试前在考场是如何保持冷静的,当时正值电影《MS多尼:不为人知的故事》宣传期,我们都知道我们的高冷队长有多冷静多专注。 Here is exactly what Dhoni has replied. 下面就是多尼的回答。 ““I think when you get the question paper in the exam, it’s already too late. You know, because if you have studied whole year then you must have remembered all the answers. You may miss few but ultimately, you can write answers. That is why, whenever I visit to a school and interact with the students, I have always said that it is important to be attentive in everyday class, study a bit every day. Not like, study in last two months like hell and do nothing rest of 9 or 10 months of the year.” “我认为你考试时拿到试卷那一刻就已经太迟了,你心里都明白,因为如果你一整年都在学习,那你就一定记住了所有答案。你可能会出点错,但最终能把答案写上,这就是为什么每次我去学校和学生互动时总是说每天课上认真听讲、每天学一点儿很重要,而不应该一年中最后两个月拼命学,剩下的九个月或十个月都闲着。” This was followed by a personal experience of Dhoni which includes a very interesting story about his school days. 接着他又讲了一段亲身经历,提到了上学时一件趣事。 “Talking about my own life and relating the same with me, I think during the class 12th as you can see that in the trailer as well. We had a match and I was very hesitant in talking to my father. My mother had agreed to it but how to make my father, understand, that there is an exam but I have a match to play before that and just after the completion of the exam, I have to take a train to play another match and only then I will come back. So finally, after collecting some courage I went to my father and explained the scenario,” Dhoni said. 多尼说:“电影讲的是我自己的生活,完全一致,正如你们在预告片中也能看到的,我记得是在12年级的时候,我们有一场比赛,我想跟我爸爸说又有点犹豫,妈妈同意了,但怎样才能让爸爸明白考试前我要参加一场比赛,考试结束后又得参加另一场比赛的训练,然后我才能回家。最后我鼓起勇气去跟爸爸说明情况。” Dhoni’s father answered to him in a witty way, “My father answered it very calmly by saying that, son, if you have studied hard the whole year then one day won’t affect much and if you haven’t studied the whole year then still it won’t affect much. So, go and play.” 多尼的爸爸回答得很巧妙:“我爸爸非常冷静地回答说:‘儿子,如果你一整年学习都很努力,那一天没多大影响;如果你不是一整年都在学习,那一天也没多大影响。所以去比赛吧。’” This may not exactly sound like staying calm in difficult situations but what is important here is the context of the scenario. Difficult situations test your patience and your will power to stay focused. Whatever harm was about to happen it will happen anyway. You won’t get a say about that. What you can do is make the best of what is in your hands. Stay focused and keep doing what you would have done anyway. Prepare yourself for the worst and face the consequences of your choices with a smile on your face. 这可能听起来并非是在困难中保持冷静,但此处的重点是谈话的背景。困难能考验你的耐心和保持专注的意志力,该来的总是要来,对此你没有任何发言权。你所能做的就是充分利用手中资源,保持专注并坚持做你无论如何都得做的事,做最坏的打算,面带微笑应对你的选择带来的后果。 As a wise man has said… “With great difficult situation comes great opportunity”. ( Please do not ask who is that wise man :p). 正如一位智者所说:“困难越大,机遇越大”(请不要问我这话是谁说的:p)