It's okay to feel out of place. 当你觉得自己不再状态,告诉自己,没关系 It's okay not to be okay. 当你觉得自己不太好,告诉自己,没关系 It's okay to be moody at times. 当你觉得自己有些情绪化,告诉自己,没关系 有时你感觉自己像个傻瓜,没关系 It's okay to be misunderstood. 被别人误解了?没关系! It's okay to take chances. 想要尝试新的机会,别害怕,没关系! It's okay to air out your opinions. 想说出自己的见解?去吧,没关系! It's okay to feel unwanted, unheard. 感觉自己不被需要,无人问津?没关系。 It's okay to dream big. 怀抱大大的梦想吧,没关系! It's okay to fall out of love. 失恋了?没关系! It's okay to let the hurt feelings sink in. 心痛的感觉在蔓延,没关系! It's okay to cry. 想哭?没关系! It's okay to feel stupid at times. 有时候感觉自己傻傻的?没关系! It's okay to scream. 想要尖叫?没关系! It's okay to laugh out loud. 放声欢笑吧,没关系! It's okay to be different. 与众不同?没关系! It's okay if you feel your self-esteem is low. 感觉自己自尊心不够强?没关系! It's all okay. 这些都没有关系 This is life, 这就是生活 生活里没有永恒,没有固定的公式 Everything is, but temporary. 每个个体,都是短暂的存在 One moment we are here and the next we are there. 此刻我们还在这里,下一刻我们可能已经在彼岸 Be yourself, feel what you feel. 做自己,聆听自己的真感受 IT'S ALL OKAY! 这些都没关系!