Sora 提示词1: "飞越博物馆,参观众多绘画、雕塑和各种风格的精美艺术品"
"fly through tour of a museum with many paintings and sculptures and beautiful works of art in all styles"
Sora 提示词2:"一个女人眼睛的特写镜头,她的眼球像地球一样"
"an extreme close up shot of a woman's eye, with her iris appearing as earth"
Sora 提示词3:"一对 20 多岁的男女在一家由纳米技术和铁流体构成的未来餐厅用餐"
"a man and a woman in their 20s are dining in a futuristic restaurant materialized out of nanotech and ferrofluids"
Sora 提示词4:"外星人与纽约市的自然融合,偏执狂惊悚风格,35毫米胶片"
"an alien blending in naturally with new york city, paranoia thriller style, 35mm film"