优瓦黑麦酮酸分析对照标准品 广州优瓦仪器有限公司4000-868-328 专注进口标准品
优瓦黑麦酮酸分析对照标准品 黑麦酮酸 Secalonic acid D 50 μg/mL in Chloroform ERM 1.2ml Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene-Copolymerisate (ABS) - Pb, Br, Cd, Cr (granulate) ERM 100g Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene-Copolymerisate (ABS) - Pb, Br, Cd, Cr (disc 40 mm x 1 mm) ERM disc Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene-Copolymerisate (ABS) - Pb, Br, Cd, Cr (set of discs) ERM setofdiscs Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene-Copolymerisate (ABS) - Pb, Br, Cd, Cr (disc 40 mm x 2 mm) ERM disc Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene-Copolymerisate (ABS) - Pb, Br, Cd, Cr (disc 40 mm x 6 mm) ERM disc 柴油 Diesel oil (type A) (ISO 9377-2, ISO 16703, EN 14039) ERM 7ml 润滑油 Lubricating oil (type B) (ISO 9377-2, ISO 16703, EN 14039) ERM 7ml 柴油 Diesel Fuel (type A)/Lubricating Oil (type B) (1:1) (ISO 9377-2, ISO 16703, EN 14039) ERM 7ml 钛,粉状 Titanium (Ti) Aluminium (Al) multilayer on 100Cr6 steel substrate - disc (30 mm x 5 mm) ERM disc 钛,粉状 Titanium dioxide (TiO2) Silicon dioxide (SiO2) multilayer on BK7 glass - plate (30 mm x 30 mm x 1 mm) ERM plate 钛,粉状 Titanium nitride (TiN) single layer - disc (30 mm x 5 mm) ERM disc 钒 Vanadium nitride (VN) single layer - disc (30 mm x 5 mm) ERM disc 钛,粉状 Titanium carbide (TiC) single layer- disc (30 mm x 5 mm) ERM disc 钒 Vanadium carbide (VC) single layer- disc (30 mm x 5 mm) ERM disc 多空氧化铝 Porous alumina - pellets of alumina ERM 10g 石英粉 Quartz powder with small specific surface area ERM 10g 氧化铝 Alumina powder with small specific surface area ERM 10g 碳化硅 Silicon carbide powder ERM bottle 六价铬玻璃 Glass - hexavalent chromium ERM 50g 优瓦黑麦酮酸分析对照标准品 Tel:020-3730 3938 Fax:020-8120 2005