Nomally two methods for pressure testing: hydrostatic and pneumatic, are widely used in process industry.
A hydrostatic test is performed by using water as the test medium, whereas a pneumatic test uses air, nitrogen, or any non-flammable and nontoxic gas. Pressure tests (both hydrostatic and pneumatic) must always be performed under controlled conditions, following an approved test plan, and documented in a test record. A single approved test plan could be used for several similar tests, but for each test a separate test record is required.Hydrostatic Testing
| Pneumatic Testing
Test pressure is normally 30% higher than the design pressure
| Test pressure is normally 10% higher than the design pressure
Recommended for high pressure applications
| Recommended only for low pressure applications
Test media (Water) used is not compressible by pressure application
| Test media (Air) used is compressible by pressure application
Energy stored per unit volume of water under test pressure is very negligible
| Energy stored per unit volume of compressed air under test pressure is very high
Needs thorough cleaning after test to
eliminate moisture especially for service which are reactive to moisture / fluids
| Easy to clean after testing
Pressure Relief devices are recommended to control sudden increase in pressure during testing
| Pressure relief devices are must during test to ensure no over pressurisation
Chances of equipment/ Pipe / test apparatus
failures are very low
| Chances of equipment/ Pipe / test apparatus
failures are high
Weight of equipment along with test medium as
water is high hence special attention should be given to floor and supporting arrangements
| Weight of equipment with test medium
as air is comparatively less
Needs verification and examination of joints and connections before testing
| Needs very careful checking of weld joints thoroughly before testing
Test media can be reused or transferred to other place after testing
| Test media can not be reused or transferred to other place after testing
Skilled and semi skilled personnel can carry out the test
| Needs involvement of senior experienced staff to monitor the test.
Recommended where large volumes are to be tested at same time (example pipe lines )
| If pipe lines are tested should be done with small segmental lengths at a time.
Damages made by failures are less compared to failures in pneumatic testing
| Damages made by failures in testing are very huge and extensive
Hydrotest is a regular day to day practice and safe procedure and it can be followed in any work site
| Needs special attention and safety precautions
Pressure changes finite amount by infinitesimal change in volume
| Pressure change proportional to volume change
Using a pneumatic test instead of hydrostatic requires approval from proper authority or body.
Normally the following basis is followed in process piping industry for selection of hydro or pneumatic tests.