本帖最后由 banknation 于 2020-5-14 09:28 编辑
Enter coefficients for the built-in equilibrium constant expression:
ln (K ) = A + B / T + C *ln (T )+ D *T + E(P-Pref ) / Pref
Enter coefficients for the alternative equilibrium constant expression based on the van 't Hoff equation, which is indifferent forms for equilibrium reactions and for salts:
ln (Kequil ) = -HREAC /RT * (1 - T /TREF ) + ln(KREF ) + E (P-Pref ) /Pref
ln (Ksalt ) = -HFUSION /RT * (1 - T /TMELT ) + ΔCP/R * (TMELT /T - 1) - ΔCP/R* ln(TMELT /T ) + E (P-Pref ) /Pref
The definition of K depends on the concentration basis selected. You canoptionally choose a different concentration basis for each reaction.
Repeat steps 6 and 7 for all equilibrium reactions and salt precipitation reactions included in the Chemistry ID. Because complete dissociation reactionsdo not require equilibrium constants, nothing on the Equilibrium Constants sheet applies to reactions of this type.