Aspen Plus和HYSYS存在三个指示塔接近液泛程度的指标:
1. The first, and most common, is flooding at constant L/V;(这个帖子提到的,也是最常使用的)
2. The second is flooding at constant liquid load (used often for scrubbers for which you want to process as much gas as you can with the liquid you have available).
3. The third is flooding at constant vapor load (used very rarely for strippers where you want to process as much liquid as you can with the vapor available).
The following discussion applies to the Eckert method. The Eckert method is based on the diagram given on Perry's handbook page 18-22 (see also Kister Distillation Design p 480) which gives the flooding limit for a packing. The x-axis is the flow parameter, L/G (rhog/rhol)^0.5. The y-axis is G^2 F psi mu^0.2 / rhog / rhol.
The maximum fractional capacity is calculated in the following way:
1. Calculate the value of x = L/G (rhog/rhol)^0.5 (on the example it is about 0.02)
2. Read the value of y = G^2 F psi mu^0.2/rhog/rhol/gc from the flooding curve (on the example, it is about 0.2)
3. This gives the gas rate at flooding Gflood = (y rhog rhol gc / F / psi / mu^0.2)^0.5
4. Evaluate the superficial velocity of the gas VS = G/rhog (m/s or ft/s)
5. Evaluate the capacity factor CS = VS * (rhov / (rhol - rhov))^0.5 (m/s or ft/s)
6. Evaluate the superficial velocity of the gas at flooding VSflood = Gflood/rhog
7. Evaluate the capacity factor at flooding CSflood = VSflood * (rhov / (rhol - rhov))^0.5 (m/s or ft/s)
This gives the fractional capacity = CS / CSflood which is reported in the pack rating results. In other words, it gives the vertical distance between the operating point and the flooding line, or for the given flow parameter (L/G) by how much you need to change the diameter of column (flooding at constant L/V).
由上面的解释可知此项为使用Eckert方法计算的系统接近液泛的程度。可以这样理解:1. 保持当前的负荷不变,若塔截面积乘以此值,采用新的塔径就会100%液泛; 2.保持塔截面积不变,让塔气液负荷除以此值,新的负荷就会100%液泛;(如果不理解可以做一下实验试一下就知道了)