[b][b]thank you ,let me try it,{:1106_362:}{:1106_362:}{:1106_362:}
but i do't konw why the number always is not enough,when i reply it by english .how many is right?{:1106_361:}{:1106_361:}
i am crazy!!! can you help me ,i think i have being angry with it now ,i just want to reply it happing,sorry ,for my bad english .
so many ,but there is not enough also,where is the problem ?{:1106_390:}{:1106_390:}{:1106_390:}
can you tell me horse my boss, oh ,no ,why ,is that our bbs can't supprot english?but why the tdl522 can reply it by english ,{:1106_371:}{:1106_361:}{:1106_361:}{:1106_390:} i have be make a fool of it ,why must be need chinese character?老大你好狠