What is thepsychology behind someone's favorite color? 从心理学上讲,我们为什么有最喜欢的颜色? 1. Race 种族 Art teacher andcolor theorist Josef Albers once conducted an experiment with his students. 艺术老师兼色彩理论家约瑟夫·阿波斯曾经用他的学生们做过一个实验。 He first askedthem to paint a canvaswith swatches of their favorite colors. Then hehung the results on the walls accompanied by a photograph of each student. 他首先让学生们在画布上用自己最喜欢的颜色画些色块。然后,它把这些作品挂在了墙上,并在每一个作品旁边放上了对应学生的照片。 An interestingpattern soon became apparent: people most liked the colors of their own bodies. 这时,出现了一个很有趣的结果:人们基本都更喜欢自己身体上的颜色。 Blue-eyed peoplewere smitten with shades of blue. Blondes taken with yellow hues. Redheads werefascinated by various russet shades. Dark-skinned people with browns andolives. 蓝眼睛的人对蓝色完全没有招架力。金发的人喜欢黄色系。红发的人则对各种红褐色着迷。深色皮肤的人喜欢棕色和橄榄绿。 2. Gender 性别 Vance Packard, inhis famous book THE HIDDEN PERSUADERS, said that store products— like boxes ofdetergent—- will sell better to women if they are packaged in red; conversely,he said, men are most attracted to store products packaged in blue. 万斯·帕卡德在他的著作《隐藏的说服者》当中说:像香体喷雾一类的货架商品,如果用红色的包装,就更容易让女性购买;相反地,他又说,男性更容易被蓝色包装的商品吸引。 If a man does picka red, Packard claimed, it will be an orange-red, while women seem to prefer“cool” reds. 帕卡德说:即使一个男性真的选择了一款红色商品,那这也会是一件橙红色的商品,而女性更倾向于“冷色调”的红色。 Me, I haverecently noticed that many, many products aimed at men will come in a black orgray package, almost as if to say, “If you’re a man, you demand serious,no-nonsense products.” (And women don’t?). 而我呢,我最近发现,很多针对男性消费者的商品都会用黑色或灰色的包装,简直就像是在说:“如果你是个男人,你就应该要这种严肃的、不开玩笑的商品。”(而女性就不是?) The big questionis: do the sexes like these colors because they were taught (brainwashed?) todo so by their parents and societies, or by a shadowy patriarchy? Or is theresomething more fundamental, even genetic, at work in our color preferences? 现在主要的问题是:两性分别喜欢这些颜色到底是因为父母、社会、亦或是潜移默化的父权体系教他们这么做的(被洗脑了)?还是说,在我们的颜色偏好这件事上,有一些更基础的、甚至是基因层面的因素在起作用? N.B.(注:nota bebe,源自拉丁文) I am just tossingup here things I’ve variously read on the subject. I do not submit them here asfacts, necessarily, or as my own personal convictions on the subject. 注意:我只是讲了些我在各处阅读到的材料。我并没有说他们都一定是确凿的事实,也不是说这些都是我对这个话题所抱的观点。