Three years ago, my ex-husband threwme out of our home with nothing but a duffle bag with a change of clothes and a plane ticket to my home state. 三年前,我的前夫把我从家里赶了出去。我身无分文,只带了一只装着换洗衣服的行李包,还有一张回老家的飞机票。 His reasoning was because I was mentally ill and he was "tired of trying to fix me". 他说,要我离开的理由是,我“脑子有病”,而且他“已经厌烦了帮我恢复正常”。 I was homeless for a year before I found a home in a group home for the mentally ill. 那以后足足一年的时间里,我都无家可归,直到后来,通过精神病人团体之家,我才有了一个安身之处。 I spent a year and a half there before I moved into a supervised apartment. 经过了一年半之后,我才搬进了一所监管公寓。 In November 2018, I moved into my own apartment, enrolled in GED school, adopted a pet, and I got my first job doing volunteer work (I am disabled) today. 2018年11月,我搬进了一所自己的公寓,通过了GED学校的入学考试,我收养了一只宠物。到如今,我已经开始担当志愿者,这是我的第一份工作。 Sorry for bragging . I just can't believe how far I've come. 为我沾沾自喜的语气抱歉。我只是不敢相信,自己改变了这么多!