狮子捕到了最爱的食物野鹿,刚要享用。 The lion caught its favorite food, the wild deer, and was about to enjoy it. 几只鬣狗闻着味儿围了上来。 Several hyenas sniffed and gathered around. 一只最大的鬣狗低着头,发出挑衅的低吼声。狮子生气极了,大吼一声扑上去,鬣狗落荒而逃。狮子哪里肯放,追了上去。只跑了几步,狮子听到身后的风声中,有吞食的声音,回过头,看了另外三只鬣狗,正在享用它的美味。肮脏的狗嘴,伸进了野鹿的肚子里。 The largest hyena lowered its head and let out a provocative low roar. The lion was extremely angry and rushed forward with a loud roar, causing the hyena to flee. The lion refused to let go and chased after it. After only a few steps, the lion heard the sound of swallowing in the wind behind it. Turning around, it looked at the other three hyenas, enjoying their delicious food. The dirty dog's mouth stuck into the belly of the wild deer. 狮子生气极了。转身扑向身后的偷食者。鬣狗分头向四下逃去。它紧盯着其中一只较大的鬣狗,想致它于死命。但一回头,那只最大的鬣狗和另外的两只正在吞食野鹿。 The lion was extremely angry. Turn around and pounce at the poacher behind you. The hyenas split their heads and fled in all directions. It stared closely at one of the larger hyenas, trying to kill it. But as soon as they turned around, the largest hyena and the other two were devouring wild deer. 就这样,狮子一方面为了护食,另一方面又想灭了其中一只鬣狗,整整跑了半天。当它一身大汗的时候,那只美丽的野鹿,被四只野狗吃得一块鹿骨头也没剩下。 So, on the one hand, the lion wanted to protect its food, and on the other hand, it wanted to kill one of the hyenas and ran for half a day. When it was sweating profusely, the beautiful wild deer was eaten by four wild dogs, leaving no deer bones left. 饥饿的狮子,只能低着头离开。因为一只饥饿的狮子,是无法战胜四只吃饱了的'鬣狗的。 The hungry lion can only leave with its head lowered. Because a hungry lion cannot defeat four full hyenas.