一、招聘单位:西萨化工(上海) 西班牙石油公司CEPSA(COMPANNIA ESPANOLA DE PETROLEOS SA)创建于1929年,为西班牙第一大石油公司及第一大润滑油领导品牌和欧洲前三大润滑油制造厂之一。CEPSA集团集中重要资源,长期致力于西班牙境内和阿尔及利亚的原油探勘和开采,为西班牙工业和贸易集团的领导者。 西萨化工(上海)有限公司(以下简称‘CCS’)为西萨西班牙化工公司(CEPSA QUIMICA S. A.以下简称“CQSA’)旗下的全资子公司,CQSA为CEPSA集团旗下开发和运营所有化工业务的子公司。CCS成立于2011年9月,位于上海化学工业区,于2015年已正式投产,致力于生产高品质苯酚和丙酮的生产销售,其年生产量分别可达25万吨和15万吨。产品主要供应日趋活跃的中国市场。 二、招聘职位:(SENIOR) HSE ENGINEER 1、SUMMARY *Reporting to the Head of HSE, the (Senior)HSE Engineer is responsible for ensuring total Health Safety and Environmentalcompliance. He/She is also responsible for following and educating others onguidelines set by company policy, regulatory agencies and emergency responseprocedures. 2、RESPONSIBILITIES  *Ensures thatall activities are carried out according to laws and regulations, policies andprocedures of the company;  *Conductsfacility audits and field checking according to company systems. Facilitateresolution to any compliance issues that may be found;  *Observe safework practices and present opportunities for improvement. Mentor employees andcontractors to ensure safe work practices, encourage hazard findings thoughoutthe facilities and provides with support;  *Can back upthe Head of HSE during their absence;  *Manages thefirefighting system and is a leading member of the emergency response team;  *Ensures thecontractor HSE management in accordance to the company and local lawrequirement, and support in the regular evaluation;  *Coordinatesthe implementation of CCS HSE Policy, procedure and program in Plant;  *Implement thesystemic audit plan including work permit/JSO/Preventive Inspection etc…;  *Ensures thatworking conditions are applied according to internal procedures and documents;  *Conductsdaily routine inspections and corrects Non-Conformity in time;  *Be familiarwith regulation related Safety and Environment and Occupational andFirefighting;  *Conductsregular, periodic inspections to ensure that work areas remain in a fire-safecondition;  *Have goodknowledge and skill on firefighting equipment and operation;  *Be familiarwith managing the non-conformity system, accident/incident investigations andopportunity of improvement related to HSE;  *Coordinate onthe firefighting management between the Maintenance department and third party;  *Be familiarwith PPE regulation and be able to recognize and asses hazards requiring PPEs;  *Be familiarwith hazardous waste and non-hazard waste treatment and registration;  *Be familiarwith Environment Management and local requirements  *Conducts ormanages spot of check the HSE and emergency equipment and ensures goodcondition;  *Audits andcoaches on work permits, including confined space entry, review job safetyanalysis, preparation of recue plans, lock out and tag out, etc,, and ensurecompliance according to company procedures;  *Collects,records, analyzes, and evaluates accident or near miss data to determine rootand contributing causes of an incident and effectively prepare the finalreport;  *Deliverstraining and instruction for all procedures, rules and regulations for ownemployees and contractors.  *Any other HSErelated tasks assigned to him/her; 3、PROFILE  Required Qualifications:  *Workingexperience in refinery or large petrochemical plant or chemicalplant(continuous production).  *At leastBachelor degree/Higher diploma. Technical Field is preferred, includingEngineering, Environmental Science and Safety;  *Minimum 3-5years experience as HSE engineer or equivalent, preferably in the oil & gasindustry.  *Goodknowledge of applicable HSE laws and regulations;  *Previousexperience in Production Department would be preferred; Skills and Aptitudes:  *Team spiritand initiative;  *High sense ofresponsibility;  *Ability towork with all levels or divisions in the organization;  *Adherence tocompany policies and programs at all times;  *Good oral andwritten communication skills;  *Internationalexperience would be a plus;  *Fluent inMandarin and English;  *CertifiedSafety engineer; 三、薪资待遇 1、基本薪资12k-20k,年终奖10%,五险一金,补充住房公积金5%; 2、免费午餐,上下班有车定点接送; 3、上班时间:8:00-16:30,双休,无加班,法定节假日。 4、工作地点:中国上海市化学工业区普工路159号 5、汇报对象:HSE Supervisor 6、职缺:1人 四、面试流程 简历筛选(中英文简历+专业技能test) (模板详见附件) 第一轮:LineManager +HR(电话) 第二轮:心理测试+部门Head面试(现场面试或视频面试)