中国乙烯下游新技术与市场论坛2018 Ethylene Derivatives Tech & Market Conference 乙烯是最重要的基础石化原料。其重点下游产品包括聚乙烯(PE)、聚氯乙烯(PVC)、环氧乙烷(EO)、乙二醇(MEG)、乙烯-醋酸乙烯共聚物(EVA)、苯乙烯(SM)等。随着大型炼化一体化、CTO/MTO、乙烷裂解的发展,乙烯产能扩张迅速,下游竞争日趋激烈。 政策和市场推动乙烯下游产业高端化升级,新技术的开发和市场应用尤为重要。除了重点下游产品之外,高碳α-烯烃、茂金属聚乙烯(mPE),聚烯烃弹性体(POE),高VA含量EVA、精制环氧乙烷等高端产品,越来越受到关注。此外,合成气直接制乙二醇,无汞催化合成PVC,电石乙炔法制聚乙烯等新工艺也取得突破,迈向工业化。 乙烯下游新技术的发展与市场应用,攸关未来石化企业在国内外市场的竞争力,和经济效益。在大规模炼化一体化、烯烃原料多元化的背景下,如何把握乙烯下游技术与市场的新趋势,对企业未来确立竞争优势至关重要。 亚化咨询召开首届中国乙烯下游新技术与市场论坛将于2018年3月29-30在无锡召开。会议将探讨中国乙烯重点下游产业政策及展望;乙烯下游产品国内外产能扩张及市场趋势;新技术及其商业化前景。还将安排参观全国十大化工园区之一的江苏泰兴经济开发区。 主题 1. 中国乙烯重点下游产业政策及展望 2. 乙烯下游产品国内外产能扩张及市场趋势 3. 茂金属聚乙烯(mPE) 新技术 4. 精制环氧乙烷(EO)与乙二醇(MEG) 新技术 5. EVA与醋酸乙烯新技术 6. 高碳α-烯烃新技术 7. 聚烯烃弹性体(POE)新技术 8. 苯乙烯(SM) 与高端弹性体新技术 9. 无汞催化合成PVC新技术 10. 电石乙炔法制聚乙烯(PE)新技术 11. 工业参观:江苏泰兴经济开发区 12. Ethylene Derivatives Tech & Market Conference Ethylene is the most important basic petrochemical raw material. The key downstream products of ethylene include polyethylene (PE), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), ethylene oxide (EO), Mono ethylene glycol (MEG), ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA), styrene monomer (SM), etc. With the development of large scale refining & chemical integration, CTO/MTO, as well as ethane cracking, the competition in ethylene downstream is increasingly fierce. Policy and market promote the high-end upgrading of ethylene downstream industry, where development and market application of new technologies become especially important. Besides key downstream products, high-end products such as high carbon α olefins, metallocene polyethylene (mPE), polyolefin elastomers (POE), EVA with high VA content, refined ethylene oxide and so on, receive more and more attention. Furthermore, new processes such as syngas direct to MEG, PVC synthesis by mercury-free catalysis, carbide acetylene to PE, etc., also made breakthroughs, and are stepping into industrial applications. Development and market application of ethylene downstream new technologies, is critical to the market competitiveness and economic benefit of petrochemical enterprises at home and aboard. Under the background of large scale refining & chemical integration and olefin feedstock diversification, how to grasp new trend of ethylene downstream technology and market, is crucial to establishment of competitive advantage for companies in the future. Ethylene Derivatives Tech & Market Conference 2018 will be organized by AISACHEM on Mar 29-30 in Wuxi, Jiangsu. The upcoming conference will discuss China’s ethylene key downstream industry policy & outlook, capacity expansion & market trends of ethylene derivatives at home and abroad, new technologies & their commercial prospects. An industrial visiting to Jiangsu Taixing Economic Development Zone, one of the top ten chemical industrial parks in the China will be arranged. Topics 1. China’s ethylene key downstream industry policy & outlook 2. Capacity expansion & market trends of ethylene derivatives at home and abroad 3. Metallocene polyethylene (mPE) new technologies 4. Refined ethylene oxide & MEG new technologies 5. EVA & vinyl acetate new technologies 6. High carbon α olefins new technologies 7. Polyolefin elastomers (POE) new technologies 8. Styrene monomer (SM) & high-end elastomers new technologies 9. PVC synthesis by mercury-free catalysis new technologies 10. Carbide acetylene to PE new technologies 11. Industrial visiting: Jiangsu Taixing Economic Development Zone If you want to attend the meeting or asking for meeting information, please contact: Miss Emma Kong Tel: +86-21-68726606-102 Cell: +86-13918486381