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Saying goodbye to Flash in Chrome

发表于 1970-1-1 08:00:00 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Today, Adobe announced its plans to stop supporting Flash at the end of 2020.
For 20 years, Flash has helped shape the way that you play games, watch videos and run applications on the web. But over the last few years, Flash has become less common. Three years ago, 80 percent of desktop Chrome users visited a site with Flash each day. Today usage is only 17 percent and continues to decline.
This trend reveals that sites are migrating to open web technologies, which are faster and more power-efficient than Flash. They’re also more secure, so you can be safer while shopping, banking, or reading sensitive documents. They also work on both mobile and desktop, so you can visit your favorite site anywhere.
These open web technologies became the default experience for Chrome late last year when sites started needing to ask your permission to run Flash. Chrome will continue phasing out Flash over the next few years, first by asking for your permission to run Flash in more situations, and eventually disabling it by default. We will remove Flash completely from Chrome toward the end of 2020.
If you regularly visit a site that uses Flash today, you may be wondering how this affects you. If the site migrates to open web standards, you shouldn’t notice much difference except that you'll no longer see prompts to run Flash on that site. If the site continues to use Flash, and you give the site permission to run Flash, it will work through the end of 2020.
It’s taken a lot of close work with Adobe, other browsers, and major publishers to make sure the web is ready to be Flash-free. We’re supportive of Adobe’s announcement today, and we look forward to working with everyone to make the web even better.

[发帖际遇]: Horse 发帖时在路边捡到 1 个 韶华币,偷偷放进了口袋. 幸运榜 / 衰神榜
发表于 1970-1-1 08:00:00 显示全部楼层
硬盘里还有不少flash 小游戏,就用flash单文件播放器了,权当纪念了。
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 成长值: 41130

发表于 1970-1-1 08:00:00 显示全部楼层
[发帖际遇]: tvb 屌丝逆袭成功,获得白富美女神垂青,赚了 1 个 韶华币. 幸运榜 / 衰神榜
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发表于 1970-1-1 08:00:00 显示全部楼层
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发表于 1970-1-1 08:00:00 显示全部楼层
今天,Adobe宣布计划在2020年底停止支持Flash。  20年来,Flash帮助你塑造了在网络上玩游戏、看视频和运行应用程序的方式。但在过去的几年里,Flash已经不那么常见了。三年前,80%的桌面Chrome用户每天使用Flash访问一个网站。今天的使用率只有17%,而且还在继续下降。  这一趋势表明,网站正在向开放式网络技术迁移,这种技术比Flash更快、更省电。它们也更安全,因此您可以在购物、银行或阅读敏感文档时更安全。它们也可以在移动和桌面上工作,所以你可以在任何地方访问你最喜欢的网站。  去年年底,当网站开始需要你的许可才能运行Flash时,这些开放网络技术成为Chrome的默认体验。在接下来的几年里,Chrome将继续逐步淘汰Flash,首先请求您允许在更多情况下运行Flash,最后默认禁用它。到2020年底,我们将完全从Chrome中删除Flash。  如果你今天经常访问一个使用Flash的网站,你可能会想知道这对你有什么影响。如果站点迁移到开放的web标准,您不应该注意到太大的差异,除非您将不再看到在该站点上运行Flash的提示。如果站点继续使用Flash,并且您授予站点运行Flash的权限,那么它将一直工作到2020年底。  它与Adobe、其他浏览器和主要的出版商进行了大量的密切合作,以确保网络可以免费使用Flash。我们支持Adobe今天的声明,我们期待着与所有人合作,让网络变得更好。
[发帖际遇]: llzhao 成功加入五毛党,回帖一个奖励 5 个 韶华币. 幸运榜 / 衰神榜
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