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发表于 1970-1-1 08:00:00 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Universal basicincome is a controversial proposal under which the government provides regular,permanent cash payments to each citizen with the intent of lifting everyone outof poverty, encouraging their participation in the economy and covering thecosts of their most fundamental needs including food, housing andclothing.
Everyone, in otherwords, gets a paycheck - whether they work or not.
The idea ofsetting a universal basic income has been around for centuries but remainslargely experimental.
In the modern era,Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has forward the idea, telling Harvard Universitygraduates that "we should explore ideas like universal basic income tomake sure that everyone has a cushion to try new ideas."
Canada, Germany,Switzerland and Finland have launched trials of universal basic incomevariations. It gained some momentum among some e conomists, sociologists andtech industry leaders with the advent of technology that allowed factories andbusinesses to automate the manufacturing of goods and to reduce the size oftheir human workforces.
How the UniversalBasic Income Works
There are manyvariations of the universal basic income. The most basic of these proposalswould merely replace Social Security, unemployment compensation andpublic-assistance programs with a basic income for every citizen.
全民基本收入的提议有很多。其中最基础的是,仅用基本收入取代每个公民的社会 保障,失业补偿和公共援助项目。
The U.S. BasicIncome Guarantee Network supports such a plan, stating that the system oftrying to force Americans into the workforce as a way of eliminating povertyhas not proven successful.
"Someestimates show that approximately 10 percent of people who work full time allyear around live in poverty.
Hard work and abooming economy have not comes close to eliminating poverty. A universalprogram like the basic income guarantee could eliminate poverty," thegroup states.
Its plan wouldprovide a level of income "necessary to meet their most basic needs"to every American, regardless of whether they worked, in a system is describesas an "efficient, effective, and equitable solution to poverty thatpromotes individual freedom and leaves the beneficial aspects of a marketeconomy in place."
Why UniversalBasic Income Is a Good Idea
Charles Murray, ascholar at the American Enterprise Institute and the author of "In OurHands: A Plan to Replace the Welfare State,” has written that a universal basicincome is the best way to maintain a civil society amid what he described as" a coming labor market unlike any in human history."
"It will needto be possible, within a few decades, for a life well lived not to involve ajob as traditionally defined."
Why UniversalBasic Income Is a Bad Idea
Critics of auniversal basic income say that it creates a disincentive for people to workand it rewards non-productive activities.
"Thestruggling entrepreneurs and artists ... are struggling for a reason. Forwhatever reason, the market has deemed the goods they are providing to beinsufficiently valuable. Their work simply isn’t productive according to thosewho would potentially consume the goods or services in question. In afunctioning marketplace, producers of goods the consumers don't want wouldquickly have to abandon such endeavors and focus their efforts into productiveareas of the economy. The universal basic income, however, allows them tocontinue their less-valued endeavors with the money of those who have actuallyproduced value, which gets to the ultimate problem of all government welfareprograms."
Critics alsodescribe the universal basic income as a wealth-distribution scheme thatpunishes those who work harder and earn more by directing more of theirearnings to the program. Those who earn the least benefit the most, creatingthe disincentive to work, they believe.

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[发帖际遇]: huagongkeji 屌丝逆袭成功,获得白富美女神垂青,赚了 5 个 韶华币. 幸运榜 / 衰神榜
发表于 1970-1-1 08:00:00 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 1970-1-1 08:00:00 显示全部楼层
虽然看不懂,你也不能傻扣我啊 还回来哈哈
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使用道具 举报

发表于 1970-1-1 08:00:00 显示全部楼层
小样的,不还回来 我就不走了
[发帖际遇]: 断弦说书人 乐于助人,帮助不愿意过马路的老奶奶过马路,奖励 1 个 韶华币. 幸运榜 / 衰神榜
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