This is one of myfavorite stories about a celebrity . It comes from the wife of Marilyn Monroe'spersonal photographer. 这是关于一位女明星的故事中我最喜欢的一个。讲述者是玛丽莲·梦露的私人摄影师的妻子。 This is what shesaid: 她是这样说的: "I'll neverforget the day Marilyn and I were walking around New York City, just having astroll on a nice day. She loved New York because no one bothered her there likethey did in Hollywood, she could put on her plain -jane clothes andno one would notice her. She loved that.“ 我永远忘不了那一天。我和梦露走在纽约市的大街上,天气很好,我们在散步。她喜欢纽约,因为纽约客不会像好莱坞的人那样打扰她的生活。她可以穿着普通的牛仔服,没人会注意到她。她喜欢这样。” So as we we'rewalking down Broadway, she turns to me and says 'Do you want to see me becomeher?' 我们走过百老汇大街的时候,她转过脸来对我说,“你想看我变成她吗?” I didn't know whatshe meant but I just said 'Yes'- and then I saw it. 我不明白她的意思,但我还是说“好呀”——然后我看到了神奇的一幕。 I don't know howto explain what she did because it was so very subtle, but she turned somethingon within herself that was almost like magic. And suddenly cars were slowingand people were turning their heads and stopping to stare. They wererecognizing that this was Marilyn Monroe as if she pulled off a mask orsomething, even though a second ago nobody noticed her. 她对自己做了某种改变,就好像把身体里的某个开关打开了,简直像变魔术一样。那太抽象了,我不知道如何形容。突然间,周围的车辆都慢下来了,人们纷纷侧目,投来惊讶的目光。他们认出了这是玛丽莲·梦露,就好像她摘下了一个面具一样,而就在刚才,还没有任何人注意到她。 I had never seenanything like it before." “我从没见过这样的事情。”