What are some great studytips, for those who feel they do not study properly? 觉得学习质量很差?有哪些行之有效的学习方法可供推荐? 获得102好评的回答@Great Performers Academy: Space out your studying efforts. 两次努力学习之间要留有间隔。 Create a study schedule. 建立自己的学习日程表。 Have a specific goal for every study session. 每个学习部分都要有一个明确的目标。 Organize your academic material efficiently. 规划好你的学习材料以便高效利用。 Maintain high levels of physical health. 拥有健康体魄。 Create or join a homework group. 成立或加入课外学习小组 Take notes during class instruction. 做好课堂笔记。 Maintain your study area. 整理好自己的学习环境。 Split up large chunks of study material into manageable pieces. 将大体量的学习任务分解成可控的小环节。 获得552好评的回答@Nela Canovic: Study tip #1. Get your mind fully on board. 学习建议一:保持元气满满的状态。 Study tip #2. Tackle what’s most important and most difficult early. 学习建议二:尽早攻克最重要和最难的部分。 Study tip #3. Use your time more efficiently with a timer. 学习建议三:使用计时器,更有效率地利用时间。 Study tip#4. Use your notes as a perfect study tool. 学习建议四:笔记是最棒的学习工具。 Study tip#5. Teach what you learn. 学习建议五:将所学教给别人。