I don't want to do anythingin life. I don't want to die either. How bad is this? 我不想死,但什么也不想做,怎么办? 获得149好评的回答@ Tinu Abayomi-Paul 1. Apathy- not wanting to do anything- is depression too. Go see a doctor. 对任何事情都漠不关心——什么也不想做——也是一种抑郁的表现。去看医生吧。 2. Realize that you have options. There are places even here in the US where people don't have the option of being out of survival mode enough to ponder these issues. 要明白你还有选择如何生活的权利。在美国,有些地方的人们甚至还陷于如何生存下去的水深火热之中,根本没时间考虑其他问题。 获得115好评的回答@ Christine Angelica Jary If I were you, this is what I’d do: I’d pack a backpack and start traveling for up to a year. 如果我是你,我会打包行李,开始为期一年的旅行。 The beauty of traveling is that, with little effort, it will take you out of your head - new currencies, new foods, new accents and people so you HAVE to pay more attention to everyday things. 旅行的魅力在于,只需要耗费一点点精力,就会让你跳出现有的生活状态,去认识新的货币,接触新奇的食物,不同的口音和人们,于是你就会更多地去关注日常事物。 Whether abroad or in the US, I’d suggest you do some volunteer work. When you don’t know what to do for yourself, go do something for another person (or for animals, the environment, etc…). 无论你去国外还是在美国,我建议你做一些志愿者工作。当你不知道自己要做什么时,那就去为别人(或动物,环境等…)做一些事情。 Besides traveling and volunteering, something else that’s great for when you don’t give a hoot is to read. 除了旅行和志愿者活动,在你对一切不屑一顾的时候,阅读会有益于你。 Read just for reading sake! Not to make you a better person, to get ahead, to pass the time, to be productive. Just find anything or anyone that interests you and read about it. 为了阅读而阅读!读书不是为了成为一个更好的人,而是为了进步,消磨时间或是提高创新思维。只要找任何你感兴趣的人或物去阅读就可以。