Most things aren't nearly as bad as you think they'll be 一件坏事发生的时候,我们常常会把它想象的极其糟糕,事后却发现并非如此 -- except regret. 除了“后悔”这件事。 Regret is worse. “后悔”这件事,比你想象的还要糟糕 我们时常会拖延 or straight up 或者简单的说 don't do things that we know we need to do 我们会拒绝那些明知道必须做的事情 because we're afraid of discomfort. 因为我们害怕随之而来的不适感 We're scared to take a risk 我们太过恐惧,不敢冒险 or do something that we've never done before. 不敢去做没有做过的事情 So we don't do it. 于是我们就垂手站在一旁 I can tell you from experience 根据我的经验之谈 that very few things are as unpleasant as you think they will be. 事实上,会和你想象中一样糟糕的事情其实少之又少 Your mind comes up with scenarios that are typically much worse than reality. 你脑海中想象的场景很可能比现实要糟糕许多 The only thing that's ever been worse than I expected it to be is regret, 只有一件事比我想象中还要糟糕,那就是后悔 and I've regretted inaction much more often than I've regretted action. 对那些我的不作为的后悔更多,而对自己做过的事情,我的后悔更少一些 If you're putting something off because you're afraid of what might happen, 如果你曾因为害怕即将发生的事情,而拖延着不去做某事 know that, 我想让你知道 in the end, 最终 the regret of inaction will be much more painful. 你对自己的不作为会更加悔恨,那悔恨会更伤人 You aren't making life easier for yourself by avoiding discomfort. 避免行动带来的不适感,并不会让你的生活变得更加轻松 You're just pushing that discomfort onto your future self, 你只是把不适感推给了未来的李 and one day you have to be that future self. 某一天,你终将会成为那个未来的你 Don't live a life you'll regret.别过让自己悔恨的生活