It took me way too long to learn this. 多年之后我才明白这个道理。 I realise I was just surrounded by toxic people, 我意识到自己被不怀好意的人包围 of course their objective was to cut me down. 当然他们的目标是困住我的手脚,让我飞不起来。 Jealousy is a poison. 嫉妒是一种毒药。 直到最后,我从这些人的恶意中脱身 and started healing 我的自信开始愈合 and slowly started getting actual support 慢慢的,开始得到实际的帮助 did I start seeing that fact, 这时我才开始了解到事实真相 I was just fed so many lies by people to cut me down 我听了太多旁人为了消磨我的斗志而说出的谎言 so I wouldn't ever achieve anything. 他们就是希望我一事无成 我对自己的认知太过浅薄 and yet it wasn't even real, 即浅薄又虚假 it was just based on judgments made by others. 这样的自我认知是建立在他人的评判之上 The thing is, 事实上 if someone took the time to try to cut you down, 如果有人愿意花时间给你设置障碍 that means they recognised a lot of potential in you, 就以为着,他们在你身上发现了很多潜质 enough to be deemed a threat. 你的潜质足以让他们感到威胁 Take it from your enemies that you are a formidable opponent 你可以将计就计,既然你的敌人认为你的可怕的对手 and use that to propel you forward. 你就应该激励自己越发努力 Surround yourself with good vibes 让自己置身于正能量的氛围之中 it will do wonders for your self esteem. 这会对你的自尊心产生神奇的助力 Come to terms with your past and grieve 接受自己的过去,与自己的伤痛妥协 for as long as necessary 坚持足够长的时间 so that you can move forward. 这样你才能向前迈进 You can do stuff you'd never even dreamed of 你会获得自己做梦都不曾想到的成就 and deep down, you know it. 并且在心灵深处,你知道你做得到。