Memories are the timeless treasures of the heart. 记忆是每个人心中永恒的珍宝。 Don't you love the memories that make you smile every time you think of them? 当你想起那些往事并为之会心一笑的时候,你能不爱他们吗? When our children were young we had big family picnics. I carried around a video camera and videotaped the fun. 我们的孩子还小的时候,我们常举办盛大的家庭野餐。我随身带着录像机,把那些有趣的画面都记录下来。 We recently had these old videos made into DVDs. It's been a riot to watch these and laugh at these timeless treasures. 最近我们把这些就录像改制成了DVD。全家人一起看着这些录像,为这些永恒的记忆宝藏大笑不止,真是一场狂欢。 Several people on these DVDs are gone now. But we have their memory as timeless treasures of our hearts. Others are still alive and well. 这些录像中的几位亲人如今都已经不在了。幸好我们还保有对他们的记忆,那是我们心中不朽的珍宝。其他的亲人还健在,生活美满。 We can smile when we think back and remember those who have passed on and remember the memories we made. 当我们回忆过去,想起那些已经离开的亲人,记起我们经历过的往事,我们会露出幸福的微笑。